Transits in August 2024
August 2024 is going to be a mild ride, things would remain really static or an ersatz of melancholy and despair is going to stay all over the month usually for everybody as the transits matures more and more!
Not much of planetary movement is seen but nevertheless some really interesting transits are still going to occur:
Mars will be coming to Rohini Nakshatra or the Aldebaran star and this has already happend since July 27 but will be peaking from August 2 onwards as things mature better, the interesting part would be that Mars will be aspected by the Ketu in Virgo here and this would lead to much more violence, misunderstandings, fluctuations in the market and anger would be at an all time high for the world but good from the perspective of technological advancement and growth is seen as the silver lining here.
Venus will join Mercury in Leo on July 31 and will remain there till the entire month almost only moving out on August 25 but then this also will not be giving enhanced results fully since they will be together aspected by Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius with 7th Aspect falling on Leo so things will be slightly progressing only.
The feelings, communication and all the problems related to self-confidence are going to stay though you will be able to express yourself better in general compared to the recent times but then again you will face challenges of being misinterpreted despite the Lakshmi Narayan Yoga in Leo.
You would desire to stay in the spotlight, grab some attention but it would be better only if you are grounded and realistic, and do not rush into conclusions from the same.
Impulsive reactions are here to bother you again, and again, meanwhile you will be progressing things slowly but you won’t have the luxury to be able to control your words so it is better to avoid arguments and do not go for power struggles at work or in any other situation either.
Time to take charge of your efforts as Mercury goes lemonade again, oops, retrograde as things become back to confusion and irrelevant misunderstandings with increase in debates is going to be major theme from August 5 onwards and it is going to remain that way till August 28, so Venus which was supposed to give you some regal outcomes ain’t helping all that much anymore.
August 16 onwards, Mars is going to come to an exact square formation from Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and Jupiter conjunction with Mars in Taurus is only going to worsen things further and expect some major political turmoil happening again.
Sun coming to Leo only makes things more aggressive here and people will see more and more folks coming in their lives, sudden pop-ups by unknown people will be happening even further.
The month end will see more uprise in ruining mind peace as Mars will go to Gemini, Venus will get debilitated with its transit to Virgo and finally you will see Mercury also crossing the Gandanta point from Cancer to Leo again!
The silver linings will be the Shani Trayodashi on August 17 and the full moon on August 19 that will help you heal and rejoice this dramatic time period.
Further, do enjoy the Krishna Janmashtami on August 26 to heal your Venus!
So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

Mind peace is at a ruin despite everything being in place and you are just feeling an eerie sense of dissatisfaction and lack of self-esteem within yourself as time moves towards August 2024.
This is making you feel very melancholic but then again you are just feeling that you are not content about what is already in your arsenal and you are feeling jealous out of a competition loop with others.
Whenever you are stepping into a comparison loop then you are feeling bad about yourself and you are not even expressing this increasing sense of discomfort within yourself so that is causing you more anxiety.
You are feeling down due to the tagline grass is always greener on the other side so you will be seeing some really problematic scenarios as you contemplate your life choices.
You need to count your blessings and not your achievements at the moment and unless you learn to accept these, you will not be able to move on from this and will only cause more problems down the line.
This sense of evolution from the way you have perceived your goals, from the way you set visions for yourself as the same envisioning process is not really working out for you and this is the actual reason you are getting worried.
You do not need anyone to come and play the sympathy card towards you, you just want someone to lend you a shoulder and encourage you to make you realize that yes, you can still do it, and you will just like you have outdone yourselves multiple times in the past indeed!
Relationships will get bitter for you this time around as you are too obsessed about others and will not be able to pay attention to your partner that much which can cause fresh discord.
Career wise things are progressing fine, you need to just take a short break and not be so hard on yourself.
Health wise you will face challenges keeping to a routine and you will see some mental anxiety here and there due to your tendency to compare with others.
Physical health will get impacted as you will face some digestion issues with your increased appetite.
Try to match that increased appetite with some workout to see results faster than others and physical transformation will be all yours indeed.
Be conscious about your weight this time around as it will become difficult to loose weight otherwise, and cheer up, you are not in half as bad as others for the moment, if that helps you realize how blessed you are!
New beginnings, new chapter, new assets, new luxuries and new comforts is going to be the theme of this month for you folks as Leo Sun Season begins very soon and Sun comes to your sign.
You will feel energized, you will have the urge to shine and you will try to seek more attention from folks around you, people had been underestimating you for sometime but now you are no longer bothered to satisfy their needs and requirements as this month is all about “This guy is on his own trip of life” moment.
Some of you will see a new house or property finally getting fulfilled for you that had been dragging for so long and your mind peace was ruined because of it.
Some of you are embarking on a new chapter in life for higher education or some sort of new learning or even distance online courses because knowledge acquisition is going to be your primary focus this month around.
Circumstantial situations will challenge you this time around as things will not set smooth sailing as expected because you are attracting a lot of jealousy from your network and the world.
People are ready to pull you down and you are not giving any ducks about them anymore, so it is bothering them more and more.
You are in your thug era this time around, but be vary of your ego as Saturn is going to keep you grounded all this time around as many of you will face humiliations from your colleagues, your immediate friends or even people from your distant past who you have been trying to connect back with so do not be very egoistic.
Accepting mistakes is not your strong suite and as time progresses you are realizing that you are paying worth of that, do not be selfish and try to learn acceptance to avoid any active backlashes.
You are feeling no urge to indulge into physical pleasures as this time around that is taking a backseat but there will be sudden new pop-ups in your life that will motivate you to ignore your priorities.
Be a good samaritan and do not let people trigger you and try to keep your recent manifestations under the wrap which is against your natural instinct but if you don’t you will see circumstantial challenges indeed then, so be prepared for that backlash!
You are feeling like the average Joey at this moment as things are very neutral for you this time around.
You feel that your focus has taken a backseat and things are just static irrespective of your profession or even if you are a student.
You are feeling misunderstood by others around you and people are trying to pretend that they are not giving you proper importance and you are feeling disconnected from the world because your vision is not in the line with the world at the moment.
You are feeling irritated by this sudden discomfort and people rebelling against you or their changing priorities is ruining your peace of mind indeed and you are going to feel very annoyed due to the same.
You are all set to ruin your health with your addictions this time around as you are feeling the need to go into coping mechanism and stress eating will become norm for you as your anger moves up and up, and your food consumption goes elevated off the charts.
Digestion issues will be easy to get this time around as travel is on the cards too.
You have to allow yourself to accept that people are changing and so are you, so are your priorities and it’s fine for things to not be working in a certain way as expected.
It is fine to navigate back your old lost confidence this time around, just expect the sudden changes that were not happening earlier, have happened now and then it is becoming static again, I know this sounds weird but now that is how it is for you folks!
Neutral time to navigate relationships, neutral time for career growth, accept the staticity and do not become insecure this time around, this shall too pass!

A good month this time around, you are feeling rejuvenated after a shitty time period.
You are dominating your partner and your workplace challenges are also resolved now.
The problem is that you are facing too many obstacles in your way and earlier you were playing victim about these situations but now you are in a face-off mode and you are all set to fight these obstacles as you are professing now: “I am the pilot of my own life”.
You are feeling the need to move things at your own pace, will receive support from your network but anger will be at an all time high specially when Mercury crosses Gandanta during mid August onwards.
Being demanding from others is fine, but then again you will need to reevaluate whether you have been giving as well or not.
Family issues will piss you off this month again as you will see acute disagreements with your family and involve yourself into arguments unnecessarily as well where you were not even a part of initially!
Diet will be at a toss but then your increased consumption is going to be accompanied with excellent metabolism so no need to worry in that department as long as you are keeping a check on your needs, that is eating for hunger and not for hunger in the eyes.
You will feel super relieved if you do a fast on the upcoming Janamashtami on August 26 since Krishna is directly linked to your soul indeed!
Be ready for a fast paced action packed August as you look forward to regaining back lost composure, would be back to your stubborn days and the melancholy is over finally!
Mars in your sign is in a destructive mode and not good for you as well as Jupiter has been not that kind so far, and you have already learned that things will pace better as accumulated karma later and not now instantly, that is what is your core feels like as an earth sign, things always has been gradual for you and not exactly served on plate immediately so embrace that, and now that you have came to a realization about the same, you will handle this better and wait for that exponential rise without expecting much at the moment as things progress further.
Do not fall for click baits at the moment and if anyone comes to you claiming this is a sudden opportunity, then no, stay away from it because you are bound to see losses.
People who have been claiming big now no longer serve your interest and you have already realized that they are just all talk and no play, and now you will be focusing on creating manifestations from grass root level.
Income wise this is a wonderful month so do not unnecessarily ruin your peace of mind with greed, rather wait for your better times with patience and who is better than being patient than you? Stay strong, and stay blessed!
You are no longer interested to talk, usually mood swings is not your thing, but then have you noticed you are moody these days?
You don’t want to confide, you don’t want to play victim and you just want people to just mind their own business and shut the hell up!
If you feel down, you are going to go into your action mode, trying to figure out ways that can help you feel that yes, there is some temporary solution to a problem, like a patch on the leakage of a water pipe, you are going to implement that small by small and try to integrate all these small changes to a large single task indeed.
Time is of essence to you as you form more and more anger inside of you towards people who are moving forward but you know what, you are not jealous, not even one ounce, and this fact that you are not jealous of them, is making you anxious and it is irking within you, that why am I not feeling jealous, but you are wrongly equating this with: “Why am I not feeling ambitious?”!
The thing is that you were so used to old times when you would advocate growth and ambition, that you are not coming in terms of accepting that you honestly don’t care about others who are growing or not, all you care is that you are your own competition, and this is not how you used to be, did you?
Well, long story short, yes, this is the new you, and you are embracing this new found personality within you but you have made sure nobody else knows about this, isn’t it? Cause you want to still look the same intimidating person to others as that is your environment!
You will come across inspiring and optimistic people this month around, you will see social media and personal life will play a big role in pivoting you to meet them, but then again you might be hesitant in talking to them yet they will break the bubble!
A hint is that these people would be younger than you, and you are going to get a new perspective out of that, you will find a new energy.
There were some steps taken by you earlier in life that has caused you to feel that no, they were not right steps and even though you intended to take that step in the correct intention, unfortunately you are realizing that these steps were not manifested in the correct direction and you are being severely bothered by this.
Now, you are planning to rectify these mistakes and it will not be fast, it is going to be slow, and also you would feel vengeful whether this is about work, relationship or some personal situation of life, you want to correct this mistake but then patiently out wait till you have the last laugh not necessarily in August 2024 itself!
As Mercury is further going to go through the Gandanta after mid-August, times will be heavy for you. All attention is on you this time around, despite you running away from it as Mercury is going to stay in Leo for quite a while before getting retrograde as well.
You will feel the urge to revamp things, situations, life and have already decided to move on.
You have realized that the best remedy to some situations of life is not to take any action, rather let the time pass and show its course of action, since you are already past that era of trying out everything possible, this is not a give up, this is not a lack of perseverance, this is the maturity you have finally regained with Ketu transiting over Virgo.
You are just mature enough to know that I can take action on things that are in control of my own hands and not at all bothered about anything that is not under your control, finally you have left that to the discretion of higher almighty to guide you through this time and that is a beautiful sign indeed.
You should maintain your lifestyle at the moment and avoid processed food at the moment because you will feel bloated and your physical health once ruined will further worsen your mental health unnecessarily.
You would indulge into sugar more this time around and you are noticing that you are no longer that disciplined person which you used to be earlier and you are not normalizing this, rather feeling disturbed by it.
Yet, there is a beauty you have found in chaos, you need to chill out and relax this month which is not your ideal way of reacting and you are always over stretching yourself and you are expediting a lot of resources on others so now the priorities will change and your mood swings towards being irritable will finally change all over this time around for you!
Travel if possible, rejuvenate yourself and you need to feel calm and relaxed at this moment otherwise things can go haywire fast!
Be in your own zone, and be happy about it, don’t feel belittled rather rejoice and count what blessing would be incoming once you are over from this phase indeed.
Right now your mood is let’s surround myself with a lot of books and then just read them cornered inside a room with dim light unorganized (contrary to your usual self) and just relax, research and isolate!
Socializing will not be your priority but unfortunately you will see people forcing you into such situations here and there, so learn to take it all with a stride and do not feel overwhelmed by it.
Isolation and depression are two different things, and you are honestly not depressed you are just in need to introspect and you do not want interference from people around at the moment which is fine, by end of this phase you will see finally who is on your side and who is not with true colors revealed fast!

Everything is going fine, but you are irritated by the fact that things are normal. Why?
You are feeling things are getting delayed, delayed and delayed and you yourself are on the center of all this, you feel that you are delaying taking that next big decision and preventing the next big change coming to your life!
What you are not realizing that you are sitting over a time that is not a static or delayed time, rather realize that you are having the opportunity to get prepared, make a roadmap and put a plan into action soon.
You are using boredom as an excuse to saying you do not have work, but actually you are simply not ready to confront the fact that you are satisfied with your current status quo and that is why you are trying to find irrational reasons to challenge the same!
You are seeing growth in other people lives, you are getting jealous of other people who are doing something or other and many signs at the moment are undergoing time that is forcing them to work on parallel things in action and compared to them, you are feeling why am I not getting that done too?
You are lacking a thrill in life at the moment and this is eating your head a lot, and worst is with a Mars Jupiter transit through your 12H, you are silent about it! No expression of feelings whatsoever, no active disapproval, no unnecessary drama and all this is very contrary to your original self who loves hearing out people, who loves being a social butterfly, who loves guessing what people want even if introverted and you are not ready to accept this new self.
You will be supported by your friends but honestly you are not behaving the right way towards them and are just thinking about yourself only lost in your own world brimming with shadows and loneliness but you despise being alone, you want someone to come to you, put a hand on your shoulder and say that yes, you are not alone!
Things have been in an upheaval but if you just remain irritated, then nothing will progress.
Some of you are also facing challenges in relationships as you are overburdened by work and people are trauma dumping on you, some people are complaining that you are not being your usual self and that is why you are even more pissed off.
You will finally see that people who intuitively understand you are gold, spend more time with your social circle since you are in need of some happiness and this is not from socializing point of view, rather from your own sanity point of view, you will really enjoy that, and you will feel energized and recharged, so sounds toxic but spend more time with your friends than relationship this month as you will feel free spirited.
You are in a mood for self-sabotage aren’t you? Why?
Health will be a challenge this month around, as time progresses for you. You will see issues in relationships and honestly you are not being attentive to relationships lately and this has impacted your partner too.
You are engrossed with work and you are trying to prove the world that you are worthy, and this would be making you little desperate, but then again, you are not ready to listen to anyone and will continue doing what’s on your mind!
So, be it, but take good care that you do not feel exhausted to the extent that your health gets impacted and then you loose your capability to work itself! Don’t do that!
Balance is your biggest life challenge, and you need to learn to balance everything, and if you do not learn or put things in place with balance, then the moment when it would matter the most, you won’t be able to deliver and this will leave you highly disappointed!
The month is favourable if you actually learn to strike this balance soon, so buck up and be practical, don’t be motivational and optimistic, be realistic!
If you do not fall in place soon, you will realize a lot of things are getting out of control and then you will feel very regretful so don’t do that, learn to ground achievements, so what if I did not deliver that office task by deadline? I delivered it in better quality a day later!
So, what if I could not take my partner on a date in weekend? I would make sure to take them in the upcoming week on a late night stroll!
Finding alternatives, and convincing yourself that there should be a limit to everything that does not mean to give up rather means moderation can lead to success, will create new pathways for you and provide you that dopamine boost that you were aiming all this time along indeed!
Setbacks and Failures are part of the life and you are fine with that, but then again you are just not willing to spend time with people similar to Capricorn.
You are trying to get out of a situation that has became irritating to you and you are trying to find new ideas to reevaluate your ideas, how you want to direct your focus, you are going to find out new ways, strategies and methods to navigate the same situation that posed like a huge problem earlier and then you will pave way to a new innovation altogether this month!
You are in no mood to cater to people opinions and you are not interested in socializing all that much, you are more interested to spend more time with yourself.
This me time zone will help you take note of your situation, you will feel enlightened about your failures, you will see what mistakes you are making and then you will reform all that, to eventually create a change in your work accordingly.
This will aid you in becoming better and you will see some silver lining in form of gratitude from people around.
Work has been shitty lately and politics is on a huge increase, sometimes people are going to play blame game with you and discredit your own work that is going to cause issues and you really need to step up and get out of that loop and you will be motivated to take action upon the same but be vary, don’t take decisions out of haste, have patience!
Relationships and love will be neutral this month, nothing too surprising and nothing so out of the blue so it would be going down as usual!
Health will remain a matter of concern for you, as things progress in a weird way, you will see hormonal issues this month and also, will see that your appetite is decreasing little by little that is making you less immune so take charge of routine and lifestyle soon.

This is the time when you just want to say, oh okay a new problem? Nah, I am not in the mood to deal with it! So, what would I do?
Well, I would travel, indulge into leisure and take a chill pill cause if any way it is going to be burned with fire, at least let me make a barbecue out of it!
That is going to be your mood this month around!
Expenses will rise, your luxury and comfort needs will rise, vision will be at an all time high as you contemplate future with more and more clarity indeed!
Usually you are lost in the world of dreams and vision more, but this time around you are no longer trapped in the vision world but now coming to execution and action.
Do not leave your consistency no matter how inconsistent you are going to be around it! So, take charge and then make sure you move on and on with better ideas, better execution and adapt to changes.
Your savings have been draining in and out due to the past few months and this time you are not insecure about it, rather you are ready to regain back the results from the same indeed.
You need to make sure that you are realistically putting your plan to action as well and not simply sitting idle this month escaping problems and crying like a baby.
Physical health issues can come if you over exert yourself so kindly know your limits before being over optimistic about a workout or even general progress at work.
Time to be serious and deliver things better, because action if not taken now, will never happen in future either so yes, play victim, be depressed, have mood swings but as said do not break consistency, get back up and get things going in your favour soon so you do not regret later.
Surrounding yourself with a lot of people is a way to eliminate the need to take action, sometimes you yourself know you are doing this intentionally but then a gentle reminder to you, that yes, we need not use people as an excuse rather use them as an asset in our lives and move things accordingly.
You have been ignoring people left, right and straight but then again, you are also wanting people in your life at the same time, eliminate these mood swings and be realistic in who needs to be valued unless you are not valuing the right people at the right time, you will not feel happy!
Creativity finally brimming in your head, and swelling out of your brain because you are feeling wow, I can do things and take decisions that I never have done before!
Some of you thinking to start a business, some are thinking, that you need to take a vacation, some are thinking to take a permanent break from work and explore something new, all sort of ideas, anxiety and everything is peaking on your mind lately and impacting your mental health as well not necessarily in bad way rather you are just rejuvenating now with all these thoughts and possibilities.
That phase where you once used to feel insecure about these choices, suddenly you are seeing a confidence boost in taking these decisions now without any remorse or regret also, and not like you have not analyzed just that you are feeling that yeah, this is the right thing and the right time to do it too!
Be vary, about realistic checks here! You have learned that you need to influence people and you need to be visible to be able to move things with a more smooth pace.
You will be intuitive and you will honestly find new ways to gain more and more, if you are in a creative profession then you will see a huge rise in life indeed, you want to explore yourself in a free spirited fashion out of the needs and out of all the obligations and responsibilities that were dragging you down and it is fine, go ahead with it.
A suggestion to see optimal changes this time around would be to be in the company of younger people, people who are lesser in age than you yourself and that way you will see some wonderful results, because you will feel energized and you will feel a true sense of belonging.
This is not the month to sit introverted in lack of action, rather be there like a boss, elevate your creativity and take things to a greater height and get things running in motion so you can expect tangible outcomes at later stage in life.
You will feel that remote control is coming back to your hands, the world is going to pay more and more attention to you and all that financial woes, unexpected expenses that have been coming your plate are eradicating as you find new ways to earn money, you find new ways to begin new chapters of life and you will finally feel energized enough to accelerate things as you no longer want to race on the ground, you want to fly and soar higher – meaning – you are no longer in the race of the same game competing with people, you have changed the game itself and you will move and compete on your own terms now onwards.
This time around you will feel more and more motivated by your environment that had been pessimistic and you are going to rejuvenate for sometime but then this rejuvenation is not because your times have became better but you have finally, finally learned to embrace the bad times with the perseverance and embraced the chaos now that you are doing with the intention of handling this sudden change of life, you are ready to give a direction to this intention and yes, that is what you will capitalize upon this time around.
Friends will ignore you, you will feel not understood by them, you will feel drained by your relationships and it is like you are being held back or they are trying to put a restriction on you, and this time you are ready to break out of these clutches forever and you will revamp this friend circle, you will move ahead of people, you are not ready to accept that there are less deserving people who have moved ahead of you, so now you will change the game and prioritize the right set of people again!
You are trying to find questions in your own answers, when your heart is telling you, should I? Should I?
You are telling your heart would it be worth it? Isn’t it?
No, don’t think this much – ACTION MODE needs to be on now, enough of the cry baby and mood swings now, soar higher, no longer you will care for who is there for you or who you need to be there for, now is the time to focus on yourself and people will have to get used to this new you that is what is going to happen!
A melancholic start indeed, isn’t it? Mars has just increased your appetite so much by being with Jupiter that you are now wondering is it even normal?
You are feeling the need to eat more and more, you are consumed by more food, stress eating is the norm, sleep cycle is gone to shit, as you are awake till 3 AM but suddenly your sleep breaks at 8 AM again and then you are questioning: Why am I not feeling exhausted?
And, you are giving that extra hours of sleep in the morning forcefully upon yourself, aren’t you?
Well, this is all the new normal, and it is not like you have not embraced it, in fact you were expecting this insomnia, there had been contemplations in your life that has made you question things to this level now.
You are extremely busy whether you are engrossed in your new found interest, hobby, passion, a new venture, or even a job if you are but then again chances are you already kicked that job a bye and moved on to something now, and there has been some choice which you already took nearing May that you are finally seeing that you need to move ahead and soar more and more!
Creativity is on a huge load over you, you are all set to gain folks from this creativity and you are all set to be reborn again, you are feeling neglection, strong neglection from everywhere.
There are people who used to understand you, there are folks who were once special, there were friends who used to be very close, there were relatives who actually cared once (rare one but a possibility, isn’t it?) and then again now, all of a sudden they do not have the time for you anymore, or rather you yourself are also burned out by them and want a desperate change, nothing is really impacting you, you are feeling hopeless, helpless and things are appearing static, but are they? Or this is you in illusion?
Indeed you are in illusion, you also know that things will not work out soon but August will prove you wrong as you get some gratifications, there will be happy news in your career finally, there will be rise again to not immense extent but to the extent enough to tell you, as the almighty will indicate you, that yes, you had the correct intention and now you are on the right direction.
It is a sign, that obstacles are getting away and eliminated from you, so work more creatively, but this time you have already realized that: If things don’t go right, you go LEFT! Yes, that is what you will do and yes you will get results that way because you are craving and craving that one small sign of gratification for boosting your confidence that my life has not been a waste and whatever I visioned if not fruitfully worked but has partially indicated that I can pour more energy into it!
This creativity will brim at workplace and if you have your own business then even better, you are going to rise in the same.
Do not hesitate to go connect with your loved ones who are authentic & genuine who don’t ignore you and connect with the people as you will use them like a reinforcement to practice restraints because if you do not practice restraints and self-control you will loose yourself and deviate away from the direction that you intended to go as things will again and again trigger you to loose restraint this month, do keep that in mind!