Saturn Retrograde in All 12 Houses of Astrology

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Written By astro_decoder

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What is Saturn Retrograde?

When a planet is retrograde in the birth chart, then it presents an opportunity to the person to reform their pending incomplete karma associated with that planet that needs to be fulfilled in this life and the planet gains an additional strength in terms of giving results – whether these results are positive or negative is a different matter altogether but the planet which is retrograde becomes very powerful.

The retrograde planet is able to navigate the life with a means of risk-taking in general which means that the person is bound to see some failures and setbacks associated with the house placement and themes of that planet.

When Saturn becomes retrograde then it creates a lot of pending karma on the native as the person is destined to initially experiment with life.

It indicates that the person had plenty of opportunities and due resources the last time they were around in living existence and they did not fulfill what their soul had set out for as a goal in the earlier life.

Saturn retorgrade shows that the person did not take their responsibilities seriously the last time when they were given the opportunity to be in authority and somehow ended up either misusing their authority or they were too scares to take action the last time around even though they were pretty capable to execute the functionalities that they were assigned in the life.

This puts an added burden on the person to see failure in initial attempts of their tasks in this life. So, usually a Saturn retrograde person will complain that they will see some backlash or initial setback in results despite having worked hard to attain their respective goals.

It is because Saturn wants to teach them the hard way to learn and confront failure. Sometimes, it can cause unnecessary delays in the life of the person indeed causing even further havocs and frustration within them because they become impatient and who would not?

Saturn will continue denying them the fruits and results until they get detached from it fully and then suddenly they receive abundance when they have no desire or pleasure associated with that task, goal or even material pursuit at all.

Why does this happen? Well, in a word, you can say that last time around when this person was alive and in living existence, they could have completed their responsibilities or they had a huge desire to execute some vision that remained unattempted by them which prevented them from attaining their due legacy and they are back here for achieving that legacy.

So, how is a legacy created? Legacy is created when the person has achieved fruits that are enjoyed by their future generations and legacy is achieved when the person is remembered post his glory period and hence, one constant complaint you would see in Saturn retrograde folks is that they work hard, put in a lot of efforts but then where is the recognition?

That recognition will not come to them! It comes so much later and when it comes, it comes like a status symbol consolidated for their denied rewards sometimes consolidating their decades of hard work and parakrama into a single elevated status, but the good news is it comes.

Why it comes late? Well, if it were to come early, then it would be an ephemeral reputation, something that would be forgotten by folks early on but since it comes after so much struggle that the person has to face condescension from society so much before they finally elevate, that the society remembers them for a lifetime and more because they are an unexpected dark horse.

This is what truly Saturn retrograde means, that you will be given legacy because you feared executing your resources in that direction earlier, so now bear it with them, bear that grunt, cry and keep crying for getting due credit, keep crying over spilled milk of all that effort that was never given result initially and then when you are literally devoid of the emotions and cannot cry any further, let me give you a smile that the world will remember (not you, you won’t even consider it as a smile anymore because now achieving goals is not longer an aim for you, it is a habit!).

The more you run away from your problems, the more you will circumstantially come back into the same loop. You will try escaping as much as you want, you will try studying something other than your interest, you would end up in a job other than what you studied, your work will involve you studying something totally different than your job description, and you will be denied promotions so you would be forced to take back a leap and go to another job or switch domains and all this will continue happening with you, again, and again and again till you give in to one important lesson: “ACCEPTANCE”.

Yes, Saturn wants to teach you acceptance, no other way around! It won’t let you run away this time, you will again and again cry till your tears have dried up and you finally reach to conclusion that you have wasted your life. You have wasted your potential and your attitude is adjusted, you feel insulted from inside, you feel people look down on you, you feel people think you are over qualified for what you are doing and you never reached the worth that you deserved.

After this hard hitting acceptance phase, which is usually Saturn return or Saturn major dasha for you, you realize now I have no option but to give in to what is planned for me, now I don’t have the luxury anymore to tell people: “Work hard and you will get what you want!” because no, that did not really work for me, and based on this feeling, now you take action or plan execution based on the following house placements:

Saturn Retrograde in First House (1H)

The first house is a huge identity crisis for the person if Saturn gets retrograde here.

Saturn Retrograde makes them really acrimonious and bitter developing a very solitude longing, rather someone who has created an environment of isolation around them.

They may come out as egoistic and rather rude to others but in reality, they have a very insecure vulnerable side that they fear should not come out to others.

The Saturn Retrograde here shows that you were overconfident about yourself so much that you stopped taking effort to reach your pinnacle potential and you would have not taken your reputation seriously and tried to misuse your authority a lot last time around helping out the people who did not deserve it and so, this time around Saturn Retrograde creates challenges from these very themes itself.

Saturn Retrograde wants you to learn the lesson of loyalty in the truest sense this time around, hence you would see that you face a hard time befriending people and you always end up with the wrong set of people since you reiterate to find a true sense of belonging.

Sometimes, such people are devoid of friendships due to relocations or they do not find a true set of friends throughout their early schooling or early life itself later going to college, or in work that they find someone who is actually a vibe and they develop a strong connection with a very limited circle that also they feel internally that they are misunderstood by them and their needs are not fulfilled.

They see this as an indication that they are not blessed with someone who actually understands them and their needs, so they start prioritizing themselves more and more compared to other people and this comes out as selfish to others but that is because they have seen no return from sacrifice so they proclaim the very same as reality and shun people who think otherwise.

They also have a very unusual family because of the Saturn’ strength in the chart, the second house (2H) is also impacted for these people.

They either have a very unusual family or household that has a toxic set of people could be in the form of a controlling father or the father’s side and even your immediate family is unusual, different from others.

They could be judgemental or they take pleasure in demeaning you and you feel enervated interacting with them sometimes, you feel misunderstood by them constantly, and whatever support you desire from them optimally, you do not get and hence, you become insecure since childhood about expressing your needs and you will that world is out to get you, hence you become reserved, and come out as somewhat egoistic also later.

Saturn Retrograde also shows that you are going to face issues integrating with relationships as you feel that you are not understood and many a times you end up releasing projections about your past on the partner that makes them drift away or you reiterate till you end up finding someone who advocates acceptance for you.

This is a difficult placement to integrate with society as you are somewhat a special child who has fear about their expression but here Saturn being retrograde also gives a very good knack to you regarding some art form or writing or even expression of thoughts in a passive way, sometimes even creates autistic like tendency where it is difficult for you to attain socially acceptable behaviour.

Saturn Retrograde will try to make sure that you face challenges in career and delays in attaining your true potential. You will feel frustrated as if you are working, working and working to gain nothing back and one myth is that you keep reiterating jobs, that happens later not immediate.

In fact, initially you have this strong fear of rejection and failure, that you self-reject yourself applying to jobs. You fear not getting your worth and usually, you start with something where you see there are people less capable than you as your colleagues or getting what you are earning and you feel envious, you feel unheard and you feel that your self-esteem is at an all time low.

Then, you slowly reiterate and the switching phase comes from here that you constantly want to rise, rise and rise but you end up taking decisions that make you step out of comfort zone and you are just not able to easily find your true purpose.

While doing all these reiterations, your expectations have died and you stop even enjoying what you are earning and you try to find a hustle that is your passion and either you take a break from job to switch to that passion completely or you end up reaching a job that really is your actual service and purpose and usually this happens after 34-35 years of age, by which you feel that you are not even driven or having the craze of individualistic fulfillment that you had initially set out for.

Saturn Retrograde in first house (1H) will make them attain a higher level of individuality altogether owing to their life experiences and choices that makes them reiterate so much that finally people remember them for rising even beyond pinnacle potential but they die craving that people recognize them for their struggles and not for their results only which is usually the case.

Saturn Retrograde in Second House (2H)

Saturn Retrograde in the Second House (2H) will make the person hustle and hustle for money and achieving stability in terms of accumulating a prospective economic status in society.

They find very unusual friendships and they are more attached to their friends than their own family.

They view their family with respect but only from the perspective of fulfilling their responsibilities. They develop a strong sense of responsibility toward them but eventually they realize that they are frequently misunderstood by them.

Being a person of few words, they do fear speaking out their minds as they have observed that they have been lashed out by their family in initial early childhood days for being straightforward and this is inbuilt in their subconscious to be slightly afraid from expressing themselves out fearlessly.

They will constantly doubt themselves about their worth and their opinions. They usually fear about their assumption biases regarding the embarrassment it may bring if they speak out loud without thinking.

Hence, it is normal for them to develop even stage fright initially but they overcome it and later become extraordinary observers that translate to brilliant speakers at late age because they are like the silent spectator in the room who watches everyone like a hawk and then when they get up to speak, the world listens to them, the entire room pays attention to them and recognizes them for their fierce stance.

They usually have better education in early age than others but as they move towards teenage they get reality checks especially they suffer from competitive examinations, sometimes have to give multiple attempts as well and then also settle for a smaller college usually below their actual worth.

Then, they work up in their lives to reach the potential of someone who has passed out from higher college and then they rise exponentially as well but the moment they feel bit comforting then they suddenly are caught off guard by life or some circumstances that lead to problems or them feeling frustrated.

Speculation is indeed their dark interest and it serves like a dark horse because they initially make a lot of losses from that through their learning phase and eventually they become very stable traders and investors who know what it truly means to be impulsive.

They are always finding themselves in trouble with their friends but have a huge social network usually to which they do not truly fit but they just keep expanding in hope that if someday they need any help then they would try to capitalize the opportunity but usually they see the opposite that they are the ones who is helping out others instead.

This makes them frustrated but that is how things really shape up for them ideally as they learn slowly that they are here to put in more efforts than others.

They also feel that they have to put in much more efforts than others which is a usual Saturn Retrograde trait but for them they feel this frustration especially in terms of earning money that they are putting in so much efforts but their money manifestations are not working out in their favor and this disappointment keeps eating them until later age by which they have stabilized finances that is enjoyed by their future kin more than them.

Usually, they have a lesser than usual appetite as well but they have a natural knack for addiction especially if Rahu is also placed here or Rahu is connected with the Sixth House (6H) or Twelfth House (12H).

They get inclined towards intoxications faster than others and despite knowing its ill side effects, they indulge it out of a need to try and find some cure to their struggle but it does not work in their favor and they need to avoid such habits at all costs.

The retrograde Saturn can cause easy issues in addictions here similar to the First House (1H) results but here there is a lack of control compared to the Saturn in First House (1H) who eventually gets themselves out of it with some willpower.

Communication is difficult for such people and they take a lot of time to open up their minds to someone else as well as it is difficult for them to interpret what they want to achieve out of that too.

They are always skeptical about their rewards in life since nothing is working out, they keep rethinking different strategies and do not stick with one and eventually there comes a time in life when they have came in terms of acceptance about their money situation and rise above feeling that money is rewarding and then they suddenly gain a lot or have seen themselves rise above exponentially in terms of materialistic pursuits but most cases will not wait till that curve.

This is indeed a troubling yet rewarding placement at the same time because Saturn here will give desire fulfilments like a legacy to you which is not enjoyed by you alone anymore but people in the future generations remember them for the help that they have received due to their good karma and financial accumulation which benefits them.

Saturn Retrograde in Third House (3H)

A difficult yet very rewarding placement compared to other Retrograde placements indeed.

Such people see themselves put a lot of effort in the direction to find satisfaction in their lives which almost never comes as they are changing goal posts all the time feeling insecure about their knowledge, what they are reading and what they need to optimize in their lives in order to attain better results.

It is really difficult for such people to understand where exactly their true interest lies in life as they have tried out so many things, experimented with so many areas for career, competitive exams, jobs, service even sometimes businesses but they just do not know where to actually gain traction and then use that as a single domain rather it is common for them to have an imposter syndrome of feeling jack of all and master of none.

They are so insecure about their knowledge that despite being a subject matter expert at something, they still feel that they are a newbie who is to adapt to learning way much more.

They are initially very scared about expressing themselves and even though they have a natural knack for helping, they do not easily share their experiences with people and are receptive about some backlash that might happen to them if they do or any embarrassment that might come out of the entire situation.

They are very sad about their consolidation of efforts in directions that did not yield fruit and it is difficult for them to pursue higher degrees as well because they learn more from their usual life experiences.

These people take a longer time to complete their masters degrees usually post their bachelors because they are very reluctant to even indulge back into education in the first place feeling bit hostile towards their gurus and their teachers who have not exactly been kind to them either.

They feel that there is a lack of support from their teachers when it comes to making them understand and satisfying their curiosity due to which they always advocate learning things by themselves.

They become splendid teachers themselves similar to Ninth House (9H) Saturn Retrograde placement as well but they rarely prefer to join that occupation until later age and realizing.

Usually, they do not become teachers of their area of choice and many a times they also advocate to teaching arts and creativity to others because they have knack for this.

They use art and creative expressions such as dance forms, music, reiki and other similar creative outlets as their coping mechanisms for trauma and past experiences that they are quite good and adept at teaching these to others but they might be hit by their imposter syndrome that prevents them from getting into that altogether.

They crave home and the comforts from their home is of utmost important to them.

They seek active validation from their mothers and this does not bode well for them in the long run as sometimes they start tolerating the toxic behaviour of their mother and they have huge respect for them so they do not indulge into conflicts and sometimes since they do not take a stand for themselves then mother simply misuses them sometimes.

On top of it, they are in denial about this because they feel that their mother deserves the good treatment no matter how they are treated by her irrespective.

They also have a good hand and control over spirituality. They explore multiple dimensions, are initially very scared from sadhna or mantra chanting even name chanting or meditation in general as they find it very difficult to focus but as time passes on, there is nobody better than Saturn in Third House (3H) folks who can teach you how it feels to meditate, not literally teach you but make you understand what feeling one needs to control in order to achieve success in meditation.

They are also born with somewhat of a protection complex that I have to be there for the other person even if they are not treating me well and this causes them to attract a lot of toxic narcissistic folks.

They also become trauma dumping folks themselves as they want to complain how their efforts have never been rewarded and become bitter about their struggle quite often.

A retrograde Saturn will also make them have tiff and hustles with their father figures all the time and if negatively placed in a bad sign that could also create a rift and sometimes even lead to loss of father in life altogether.

This loss then channelizes them with more efforts that require to be put by them out of compelled responsibility and this causes them to further feel more traumatized due to the same.

This makes them question their satisfaction a lot as well and they loose the confidence to try and seek satisfaction from their efforts to the extent that they start practicing denial actively and stop acknowledging their small achievements of life completely rendering them into zone of imposter syndrome multiple times and sometimes even causing panic attacks.

These folks are humbled a lot by their bosses who are not kind to them so they eventually take things personally on themselves to become efficient and have to self-learn a lot as well compared to others.

They feel that luck is not in their favor most of the time but actually luck is protecting them with these challenges to make sure that they do not get induced into any task which they are not meant to complete or is going to prove harmful for them later.

Saturn Retrograde in Fourth House (4H)

When Saturn turns retrograde in the house of satisfaction then it becomes very difficult to get the best out of the career for these folks as they constantly reiterate, iterate and then again reiterate seeking satisfaction from all possible places and getting nothing but huge levels of disappointment from around them always.

They focus a lot on getting the best of the colleges and education as well in life and they are lucky enough to have the resources to try attaining them as well but they find a lack of support from their own willpower to be able to fulfill that.

They find themselves slightly detached from their mothers and usually they see some health issues with mother that makes them face life with a stronger purview and forces them to sometimes even be an early bread earner in the family.

You would see these people find themselves at cross roads of insecurity about their physical appearance and their own identity quite often.

They are constantly studying something and want to apply the learnings at their work but they acquire usually some knowledge that is not used by them at work at all and rather they end up learning too many irrelevant things in life as well.

They had the opportunity to clear off their pending karma of acquiring resources and being the provider to their family but had not been able to capitalize on that and were busy trying to expand their own set of interests in order to acquire more luxury and comforts that eventually was not able to give them the benefit of satisfaction causing them to feel devoid.

So, this time around no matter what how much they chase the assets, they do not get any satisfaction and their materialistic pursuit is more oriented towards gaining a true sense of satisfaction.

They face severe challenges in career but they are very self-reliant and hold high degree of dignity due to which they create circumstances for themselves as they do not want people around them to help much though they are open to giving out help to others and thus, they slowly incline towards individual contributor roles.

Often, Saturn here disturbs their career as they try to find meaningful insights behind a lot of work that they have done but unfortunately, they cannot pin point that this is something that satisfied me or I feel excited about achieving something related to this field as life is like a big blank whiteboard for them and they keep scribbling jobs on it then removing it off from their life and then again doing something else.

Routine is the most difficult part in their life as they get bored very fast and Saturn being retrograde here teaches them patience extensively as they feel things will work out for them when they are strategic but Saturn teaches them that if you try taking shortcuts I will ensure you get gaslighted by your higher authority and that is where the tussle starts.

Often, such folks question self-worth and have issues regarding their assets but you will also see that this Saturn being retrograde blesses them with multiple properties and it serves like a backbone for their upcoming generation.

They learn not to be selfish, have to unlearn that they are part of a competition loop and gain acceptance in society for their helping attitude but often it is difficult for them to not attach any expectations to their help which results in backlash as they cannot expect something back from their help to others.

Saturn gives them a lean appearance often they are seen as quite healthy later in life and they maintain their physique well though out of fear of embarrassment sometimes yet it somehow works for them in their favour.

They face severe digestion issues due to their sixth house being impacted and they love indulging into luxuries and pleasures of life very often getting addicted to it.

Saturn here also makes them very nurturing towards others but in an action-oriented way as they will take care of their loved ones very closely and sacrifice for them without even being asked.

This retrograde Saturn comes as a blessing to them when they start multiplying their growth without focusing much on their competition as they come in terms of acceptance that my life is more inclined towards chasing satisfaction and the process behind it rather than the end result but also, it is about providing the due service to others that helps me attain my purpose.

Saturn Retrograde in Fifth House (5H)

A gift of intelligence as they are blessed with unusual energy to acquire knowledge and they keep getting the craving to go for more and more.

But, these are an applicative set of learners and not just some ordinary learner as you would often see them being very practical and are the folks who like to experiment with experiences and gather data to turn them into meaningful insights that generalize over a huge cognitive bias of many people.

Blessed with analytics, ease of understanding technology and are very fierce problem solvers, Saturn in the Fifth house shows the perseverance the person possesses to meet any goals, solve any unexplained situation and speculation.

Seasoned at technical trading, these folks develop a fear when someone tries to motivate them into learning qualitative analysis within any subject because they are just not used to the textbook way of learning.

Often you will see amazing programmers with this placement simply because they are used to failing twice or thrice and then succeeding at coding.

They love to use their insightful mind to do speculation based work sometimes even gaining a lot of wealth from this but eventually they spend that money more on their family due to the tenth aspect on the 2H from here than themselves.

They like to be ascetic and do not have a very broad fashion sense unless Venus comes into contact with Saturn and usually they dislike way too creative outbursts such as dancing, music, theatre or even any recreational activities.

They feel strongly awkward in social settings and will prefer to stay at home and learn more rather than recklessly roaming around the city and develop a loner like tendency as well.

This Saturn retrograde makes them super concerned about their competition as they want to overcome that severely but have failed at multiple chances in life.

They feel closely hurt when they are not able to deliver up to the expectations of people around them especially facing a lot of insecurity when their family starts distrusting them which is often due to misunderstandings.

Very sharp at intellect, they are very concerned about the rewards that they receive from their career and this makes them crave for more and more, nothing satisfies them at the end of the day and they become very cranky later due to this tendency.

Saturn being retrograde here encourages them to do social work, help out others, and they love to pass on this help to form a network of intellectually compatible people as they cannot resonate with usual set of people that leads to problems for them.

They are very discerning by nature and have huge suspicions about people and their intentions but most of the time they are overthinking and they self-reject themselves in social settings very much.

They do socialize as well but get burned out fast and are prone to intoxications and addictions more than others.

Usually, they find it important to have a mundane routine and they often emphasize self-discipline more than others and advocate that consistency only leads to solutions of your problems in life.

Inherently, they choose careers that advocate this consistency and they thrive in the same. For them, a job is more suitable than an independent venture of their own as they often lack the correct managerial skills and prefer to work alone or end up working for someone else even if they are the ones managing them.

The retrograde Saturn here also creates issues in relationships severely. They are usually people with huge expectations of loyalty and hardly have experimented their sexual prowess.

They are advocating less romance and are more stubborn about the stability that they can get from the relationships as they focus on the practical side of it more than the sexual or lusty side.

They actually desire lust a lot but fear that people will hurt them and fear a wrong sense of belonging or instilling someone with fake hopes that leads to a lot of repercussions for them in life.

They are the ones who try to shun others before others can shun them fearing hurt but will establish moral burden upon themselves telling the other person that they deserve better.

These tendencies delays their relationships and usually they see an arranged marriage in which they instill love later.

They have severe issues when people ask them about their societal image and successful status because they are way too insecure to express that in public.

They innately desire third party appreciation and value recognition from the same as well quite often.

The retrograde here causes them to develop rigidity and ego about their area of education and they want to work within that domain itself and are very traditionalistic when it comes to making money as they depend heavily on one job and hate that people are trying to earn money through smaller activities often demeaning them as well which is very sad.

They hate influencers and it is a different matter that eventually they desire to become that only out of a need to erode the misconception of influencers.

You will see this placement in people who often sell courses online as well as they have established a name for themselves and sell themselves to be different from others as they leverage strongly on their past experiences way more.

Many a times these people see problems with their children and they are not suited to parenting as they develop an innate fear whether they would be good as a parent or not.

They are controlling, have huge cognitive biases when it comes to parenting and want to ensure that their children learn the meaningful things behind life and realize the value of money.

Often, they see delays in having birth of the child and are deprived of the love that they wanted as a child themselves so they themselves delay it when it comes to becoming a parent.

They need to come out of the mindset that just because they have experienced things in a certain way that does not mean that they should impose the same upon others.

They also help with education of many kids and in general you would see these people working for the betterment of the kids who are special can be kids who have suffered from traumatic experiences or even kids with disability or anything that needs their assistance to children so they are not exactly emotionless as a parent rather they just want the better for them but often go overboard with their own.

The people with retrograde Saturn should definitely help in education of some children who needs their economic or intellectual assistance.

They should also be open to sharing more on their insecurities to help others out and when they start doing that, you see them rising often in life as they learn how to navigate boundaries properly to make sure that everyone is benefitted and see success.

They often become very insecure regarding their income sources and try to expand upon their work to gain more but they cannot afford to loose their rigidity and ego regarding their field so mostly it remains restricted around whatever education or work they have attained in life.

They should open themselves to understanding more perspectives and not use higher moral burden as an excuse to hide or mask their own fear by projecting insecurities on others.

Once they start working on this, then they start thriving more.

Saturn Retrograde in Sixth House

The luckiest placement possible for this retrograde. It indicates that there is pending karma related to providing service from the last life where you were capable of providing upliftment to many people but you preferred to work on your own self.

So, this time around you are here to serve others holistically and you are compelled into situations where people misuse you a lot as well.

You feel cheated, you feel anxious, you feel traumatised and you start thinking why is this happening to me in the initial stages of life.

The situations become as such that eventually you start unlearning focusing on yourself alone, you start spending money more on charity, you start helping people more with their work and you start providing service without expectations.

You develop strong routines and are known for your consistencies in life but you are usually a very night owl person who enjoys working in the late night hours with no sun and no people around you at that time you feel like I am the vampire of this era.

You face constant obstacles and you are often challenged with diverse set of people you meet in life.

You focus a lot in evaluating people with same compatibility and you expand your friend circle very meticulously often seeing the use cases of people around you then only indulging into such networking otherwise you simply move on with life.

You feel very detached and advocate that a deep connection is required in order to decode the better things of life otherwise it is very difficult for you to strongly feel a connection with someone and often you try to make the other person vulnerable to you.

You serve, serve and serve and still you feel you get nothing back in return but in reality you get benefitted from a personal life perspective quite a lot with this placement as you see that your efforts start being rewarded and you want to remain in denial and secrecy regarding the same.

You are often devoid of the right set of colleagues in life because you are in a different zone of attachment with them and you are just a resource for them, you feel misunderstood, have constant tussles with them at work and then you reintegrate as well because you have a fear of social isolation.

Even though you do not mind solitude but you strongly advocate that one needs to get out of that mindset in order to advocate consistency and discipline in life because being a visionary does not work out for you very well and makes you strongly insecure about yourself.

You are more concerned to live in the present and if anyone asks you what is your plan down the line, you are unclear and unsure as you have never thought about that in detail a lot.

You feel that there is a need to advocate empathy with others but you want to take a higher burden upon yourself when you see that others are trying to empathize with you because you are hesitant in accepting help.

Spiritually, it is a beautiful placement, you see pilgrimages, you see yourself experience sanity in life, you see obstacles getting eroded that come your way, you see better results in interviews than others and you see that your satisfaction is high when it comes to physical pleasures and gaining happiness from luxuries and comforts in general.

This is a very charged up placement when it comes to enthusiasm, unlike other Saturn retrograde placements, Saturn in the sixth house gives a lot of zest in achieving goals and wants you feel exhausted at work to make sure you go back home satisfied from what you do indeed always.

They should stay away from business as they see repeated failures from the same and are usually not so lucky from gambling either.

Saturn will take you to travel places around the world in search for your true purpose of life which will not be easily clear and you will be unsure about your goals initially due to which you do not actively procrastinate unlike Saturn in Sixth house usually but rather you are just unsure which direction the efforts should go to!

Try to be as incremental as possible with your goals and always relate all these small goals to a bigger picture in life.

The more you incline towards the bigger picture, the better you get in chasing your goals and the better you see prosperity in life.

You are never going to feel helpless in life unless you self-impose yourself with anxiety and question your self-esteem which way often than you think.

Self-awareness and self-rejection are two sides of the same coin and you incline towards the glass is half empty mentality more that is dangerous for your future so avoid that and try to keep a balance between your optimism and reality checks of life.

If you fail to maintain that balance and tend to go fixated in a single direction, you are bound to enter the realms of darkness as your 8H gets severely activated too.

You are kind of a social butterfly but crave that nobody understands you very well but actually the truth is that you yourself are not sure about your own expectations from others so you are neither a loner, nor you are a social shunning person just the right amount of mixed bag between both.

Overeating is normal coping mechanism for you and you spoil your lifestyle rotten then you hit back the gym and suddenly get leaner and back into shape again as well, and this happens like a loop with no end to this and this embracing of loop is your ultimate remedy as you advocate acceptance and take pride about being your true self.

A true transformation comes in your life post Saturn return because you find a meaningful direction by then and you start working on the same without taking tension about your purpose any further, which is really beautiful because your true power is realizing that you are so versatile that you can win over many situations of life simply by being persistent.

Saturn Retrograde in Seventh House (7H)

A lot of focus on research, unexplained taboos of society and emphasis on introspection phases of life comes with Saturn going retrograde in the seventh house (7H).

The retrograde Saturn here ensures that your partner is committed and have a huge loyalty towards you that favors you in life but also makes you prone to multiple failed relationships before you arrive at that correct compatible and perfect one that you were craving all this time around.

Life becomes very stable from marriage and you will see that partner is having an intellectual compatibility with you.

Further, health multiplies with marriage which is another wonderful aspect and many a times you see that you and the partner stay alive for equal amount of time which is the happy flow but also be vary of accidents with this placement.

You will see that whenever you are logical about your choices in life then you grow extensively and you will also see fixed income or profits from your business ventures as well.

You will see a very flat curve in your business partnerships and this is very good to feel satisfaction.

A lot of compromises also comes with this Saturn indeed as you feel that partner matters beyond just looks so it is quite good.

If you focus on one goal at a time for a long period then you see exponential growth in life indeed.

You will also see that the areas ruled by Saturn in this chart will see a lot of stability in life.

The bigger issue is that your luck is flat so sometimes you feel like you are not growing but actually your growth is very gradual and then it reaches a stage where it cannot be challenged by anyone else.

It also advocates settlement in foreign lands with the partner as well many a times you need to go to a foreign land to find a spouse and they may not be fully from the same culture either.

Spirituality comes very easily to your life and you might flip your mindset regarding beliefs rigidly post marriage too.

Vulnerability is a huge huge factor here as well, so keep that in mind too and you love to be in solitude with your partner.

Sometimes, it shows that you will experience a loss of father in life or lack support from them or just cause distaste in your life and you move away from homeland.

You need to take additional responsibility to handle your life partner and sometimes you intentionally choose someone who needs your help and they are forever grateful to you and you self-impose those responsibilities upon yourself as well.

A very good result will come in life when you allow yourself to go into commitment and you might even see that you gain houses, luxuries, comforts and much more resources in life, and you are blessed with a very good life as a whole.

Many see this as a negative placement and complain of delays but always remember, Saturn is trying to delay things to protect you here and the more humble you remain and the more equilibrium you have for happiness and sadness, the better it becomes for you indeed.

Always try to keep yourself motivated enough to climb up the ladder and when things seem to become a flat growth then try to optimize around the same and increase the possibilities of multiple areas of growth say if you do business then do multiple businesses and not just one alone.

This Saturn demands you to stay grounded when you attain success and you will remain humble when you actually see yourself grow towards success as well indeed here.

Saturn Retrograde in Eighth House (8H)

You are here to experience what it means to have panic like situations and will be forced to hit the rock bottom multiple times in life.

Occult, research and experiences that are invalidated by the usual commonwealth are the places where you thrive the most, and the more you try to make people around you understand what your intentions are and how you are feeling, the more you feel misunderstood, vulnerable and then finally you go into desolation and revert from expressing yourself ideally away from the crowd.

A beautiful blessing that comes to you is that you do not mind this solitude, in fact you enjoy it, you thrive in it and you multiply yourself through it.

You are extremely capable of handling multiple emergency like situations in your life but then you do not like to have this ability in life and feel that problems just are attracted to you as if you are a magnet for them.

You feel dissatisfied by a lot of people and it is very important for you to recognize toxicity from your family side especially from the father’s side as they tend to misuse you often for their own favors and put forward their needs quite a lot.

You initially crave a lot of validation from your in-laws as well post marriage but eventually you feel that you are better off without having the need to bond with them very closely and want to just drift away from them as well.

Inheritance comes quite a lot to you since you are the only one in the families who has not lashed out on them and this is why people think that you do not hate them or rather view you as a responsible person and you are appreciated because of the same.

A deep interest in occult and you can potentially also make this your profession or make money out of this as you are knowledgeable, open to new perspectives and execute your knowledge as well without being too fixated about the beliefs and rigidity of concepts that makes you very able as an astrologer or even as a therapist to others.

You are in possession about a deep knowledge of psychology as well as people look up to you for trauma dumping and they feel healed when they have talked with you on a regular basis.

The question is are there people when you need them or you need to heal? Most likely not, so you need to set your priorities right but then again, it is very difficult for you to change this tendency, but until you do not change this tendency and keep developing biases for people, Saturn keeps rotating the people you see in your life especially from the work perspective.

You will also witness that the more you try to create an inertia about a situation, especially at workplace, for example, you became accustomed to a project and then suddenly you were placed in a different project or the client need changed altogether or you saw that you were no longer able to feel the same sense of comfort at all.

The biggest challenge comes from the fact that you have made your life as a challenge to stabilize money and knowledge but it is very difficult for you to be able to manifest that and you later realize that your life has been about experiencing the unseen and unforeseen.

You will also see a little less emotion involved in your physical pleasures, you do not easily feel excited but possess too many fantasies and have a high libido.

However, you can also become a very traumatizing partner for people who do not easily reciprocate like you which means you would be open to experimenting with partners and this can backlash as the other person would be in a different zone of love than you usually.

Fear is the wisdom in the face of danger, and that is your ultimate tagline because you make sure that you have not one, not two but three or more contingency plans and you use your anxiety to make sure that it is channelized into success and this is why you are actually a king maker for the people who you work with!

You should always try to embrace happiness and sadness with equal balance and not be too excited nor be very low about failure as this should not impact you personally and you know very well how capable you are as a researcher, as a brainstormer and sometimes you even are a cheerleader for others because you exactly know how it feels to hit the rock bottom and then come back up transformed!

Barely, there would be any 2-2.5 years of your life where you feel that you have not evolved or you have not seen a change in your thought process because Saturn being retrograde here makes sure that you make mistakes, then you mitigate risks and then finally, you learn from them and then you adopt that learning as a rigid principle only to erode that again very soon and it feels almost like trapped in a loop.

The best way to embrace this placement is to channelize your obsessions in the correct direction and then make the best out of it rather than feeling insecure about change, you learn the fact that life is all about embracing change, change is the only inevitable constant of your life.

Rather than feeling disheartened when results do not come easily, you know that this is a temporary setback and then you bounce back to the top exponentially, and always remember that this Saturn ensures that you are not just a king maker but also the person who is destined to be a king on their own as well, or rather a queen since your perseverance is off the charts and no offense, but the queen is the one who has that ability more!

Saturn Retrograde in Ninth House (9H)

The retrograde Saturn here again and again makes you feel that you are unlucky, that you are bound to fail, that you are behind the people who started with you in life and worse, that you are behind the people who you guided also in your life.

Why? This is because there is a karmic debt upon you that you need to fulfill which is coming from the past that you need to mentor people and you will not be given the luxury of being mentored by others this time around.

You can say that you possessed so much knowledge the last time around that you were not able to capitalize and help those who actually needed it and kept all that knowledge with yourself so this time around you will have to learn to share experiences and whenever you share, you end up oversharing and then you see some backlash in your life if you have shared something that has not been manifested yet.

You will also see that this time around since you did not take your knowledge seriously last time and restricted to yourself, you will barely get the support of your teachers or mentors. Even if you see you get the support, it would be minimal and sometimes it will come in a very humiliated fashion to you.

You are that student who had the habit of asking questions in your class only to be insulted badly by the teacher and then you developed a fear of asking, rather you used this fear as an anxiety reinforcement to make sure that you learn everything on your own.

And then you carry this temperament in job as well, you will not find your bosses helping you out and honestly you do not want them either, rather you want to learn on your own pace and then be an individual contributor.

If linked to the 8H, then this Saturn makes you even more powerful as a researcher and you will satisfy your curiosity to the extent that you will acquire so much knowledge and you will learn to apply each of them but you will also see that you are not using them at your job but you are still eligible enough to teach others this skill and then those people benefit from that skill and you feel frustrated.

You will further witness that you are struggling with authority in the initial phases of your career. Your rewards from the career will peak only post the age of 34-35 as you see that no matter what you do, you always end up in a situation where you are over qualified for your job.

You always end up frustrated that no matter how much efforts you put, you do not get a proportional reward for that and you develop strong self-esteem issues as you question your worth a lot.

You need to understand that you will find it very difficult to learn to communicate your thoughts and then once you overcome that stage fright, overcome that fear of communicating your thoughts, you end to teaching a lot and revealing much more than you are required and this becomes your biggest challenge to be able to balance between your communication, learn who and where and what you need to express at the right time and then at the right opportunity.

You will feel blessed in terms of spirituality and also are very open to understanding the spiritual pursuits of others and you accept them with wide open heart and never will develop any ego related to your spiritual process that makes you unique and this fluidity enables you to do true justice to propagating your form of spirituality sometimes even better than a Jupiter here which might make you rigid about your beliefs.

You will closely see yourself working with NGO or rather I would say contributing to spiritual institutions where you will feel elevated and rejuvenated upon contributing moreover you will be an advocate of the fact that whenever you feel detached from your expectations and do not put forward your desires in your prayers, that is when you see witness manifestation.

You will also see yourself facing many burdens and responsibilities early in life, if negatively placed then loss of father will also be seen from here and you will be in a tussle with your views with your father all the time irrespective even if he is alive.

People will misunderstand you, you will be cheated by your colleagues, friends and moreover all of these becomes your competition due to the aspects over 11H, 3H and 6H from here.

You will frequently see yourself indulging into tug of war for people who do not even support you and you will sacrifice for them but you will get no acknowledgement and disgrace from these people so then you will learn to resort to spirituality to heal from these problems of life.

You will always advocate that hard work can help one achieve everything in life but then later in life when you experience that you yourself have not received something proportional to your efforts then you start advocating the opposite of this fully.

You will see some flip in your belief system not literally but the way you perceive yourself, whether you would be someone who did not believe in God in early life but became extremely spiritual later or the vice versa, some flip does come here especially if the disposition is a dual sign.

Saturn Retrograde here shows multiple attempts to higher education before getting success and also motivates you to go on pilgrimages late in life and even very active travels.

You will see that your office is away from your place always and there is an active commute and even long term travels are not easy for you and comes after a lot of delay.

A very interesting remedy for this placement is to pursue higher education till late age, whether that can be a doctorate degree or not is subjective but you will definitely pursue something or other and if you formalize that then later you leave a lot of legacy in life.

You will also see that you will be blessed with 2 or more properties in life either as inheritance or in form of your own and you will be very satisfied about it.

At some point in life, you start accepting your reality and you achieve satisfaction and tripti in life which is the pinnacle of being happy no matter what the circumstances and you start treating happiness as a state of mind.

It is difficult for you to find a sense of belonging and hence, if you limit your friend circle or your colleagues to intellectually compatible ones, the healthier your mental health will be.

The best remedy for this placement is to accept your bhagya and luck rather you will find so much solace in this acceptance when you come out of the comparison loop and then rise above later in life like a legacy and you do achieve a lot of fame as well due to your grounded nature which is forced upon you many a times as you have always seen destiny going away from you if you develop ego.

Saturn Retrograde in Tenth House (10H)

Saturn Retrograde in the house of karma or your midheaven will create a lot of insecurity in your career and you will always wonder: What is the true purpose of your life?

You will experience heavy shifts in career, your domains changing and your knowledge also not being utilized in the way you planned and hence, the biggest challenge will be your belief in yourself and your satisfaction gets impacted as a by-product from the same.

The retrograde Saturn will make you navigate your life again and again, you will learn something, do something else but you will always have a strong inertia of using what you have learned in your work actively.

For example, if you have learned marketing and then you are going for engineering then you will still use your sales skills to understand the requirements of the users clearly and thus, you will always see some inertia that you want to keep when it comes to your rigid belief systems.

You will further see that troubles come when you try to elevate your career initially but after 2-3 job shifts you eventually go into the mode of rise and that too exponential.

The Saturn aspects the 12H from here will try to make you spiritual and you will question it continously instead of feeling energized by it.

You will not be able to recognize the value of spirituality unless you experience something yourself but usually you do not incline towards that because you feel that people are usually using spirituality as an excuse to not take action and many a times you being a karma pradhan person who gives more importance to execution, you feel that people are being lethargic and also do fear mongering that you do not advocate.

What lies in your plate is actually to realize the true meaning of spirituality and decoding that for others as well because your suspicious nature is just what people need to be able to discern the truth better.

You also need to mend your relationships with your work, not literally but rather you need to stay loyal to one place for sometime before taking a switch out in order to see some fulfilment in your career.

The pending debt upon you with Saturn being retrograde here is you not getting the due support from your own self when it comes to selecting karma and your workplace, and since you had not been very serious about your work last time around, it takes a while for you to come in terms of discovering your passion but unfortunately you will not be working as per passion rather you will have to realize your responsibility as well when it comes to understanding realistically how work operates for you fundamentally.

It is a difficult position because you would see yourself where are the houses which are actually ruled by Saturn here? Based on that, you are here to fulfill some pending work that was left incomplete regarding the themes of that house which is ruled by Saturn.

You would sometimes see that these people have to take up their family legacy forward and usually they end up being employed in the same profession as their parents or already have some set expectations to fulfill that prevents them altogether from following their mindset, and then they would feel why this happend to them?

Why only they were sidelined from their karma? Why only they could not find passion in the work they do? These are some hard questions that bother the folks with Saturn being retrograde in the Tenth House (10H) and this frustrates a lot, trust me it does!

The best way is to tolerate your bosses initially in life and then go to become the boss that you never got yourself and hence, it would be difficult for you in early phases of life but you become a very dear boss to others.

You will see that you will put in so much efforts but then you end up in a parallel income source altogether but also the silver lining is you would have 2 or more income sources easily.

Many a times you stand for the downtrodden people and you will help them rebel against the injustice done to them as you cannot relate to the fact that someone deserves to be ruled over and sometimes you go on to become leaders as well late in life and then if Sun is also supporting, you will go into politics as well.

Obstructions and delays are fine but then sometimes you get manipulative altogether and then you end up even committing some acts that might be unethical and as much as you can prevent this, stay in that line, never ever do something that you will regret later because then you will see accusations coming your way easily and you will suffer from them to the extent you take separation from your home as well.

You might feel insomniac because of retrograde and you are more of a night owl when it comes to approach work as well.

You will see status rise in life for sure at a later time in life and many a times you will see that you will not go towards that potential that you had envisioned.

Saturn Retrograde in Eleventh House (11H)

This is a difficult placement and a big reality check from the utopian expectations of rewards.

You will frequently see that even though you shift careers, you are adept at adapting to changes, you will still struggle in acknowledging whatever you are earning and will always feel that you are underpaid.

You need to move your expectations down from yourself because you do not put efforts proportional to that, you are a hard worker don’t confuse this as saying that you are not putting efforts at all but then it is like expecting that you become a CEO with just a graduate degree alone as a fresher.

You will not be serious in your initial phase of life and childhood would be full of fun and frolic and then later when life hits you when you are about to get employed, that is when you will see that you become suddenly very serious about life and start working very hard becoming a late bloomer in life who then tries to reach to the top.

You hardly get any friends in life but always see your colleagues as your immediate friends and then they betray you or teach you a lesson because you are supposed to be detached from them but you advocate getting closer to them more and more, then learn the lesson a hard way.

You do not like to put others first above your needs and may come out as extremely selfish to others but in reality this is deeply in-root with your own set of insecurities which is that you do not want to develop attachments to anyone and then later you are not able to navigate out of it.

People usually come and go in life, thus you never bothered to make deep connections and when someone actually tries to make a deeper connection with you, you get scared and then try to escape from that situation.

You are insecure about your intelligence as well because you have always seen yourself more from the perspective of a hard-working person and climbing the ladder to success quite late compared to others.

You feel that since you were not as academically inclined earlier, you do not have possess the smartness same as others but in reality, your experience is drastic and you have toiled a lot to rise up in your life compared to others so you try to balance between both of them.

You actually have a very lean and slender body type and metabolic rate is also higher compared to others so you would see that these people have better digestion ability and easily see gains from their gym or regimes if they have developed.

If not, they should actively develop the same and try to expand their life.

They have a very difficult time adapting to constant changes in life because the people they interact with, will keep on changing every 2-2.5 years and that is why it is difficult for you to trust people and you do not like to develop inertia towards anyone in life.

It is intriguing how you navigate love because you do not allow yourself to be loved by others and have a huge hesitation in admitting your feelings and validating even your friendships that makes you come out as selfish and rude to others.

You will struggle in expressing your romantic feelings and Saturn here makes you somewhat greedy as well but that greed does not get satisfied easily and capitalizes over you making you find meaningful and logical relationships but you crave a sense of belonging and will not be given the same that easily.

Emergencies and obstacles come to you as well but the silver lining is you are able to deal with them. Over time, with your greed, you accumulate much more money in life and stabilize the finances that you have craved for long and usually post age of 36-37 you end up seeing quite a beautiful journey in life.

The 11H Saturn being retrograde will make you shift your colleagues very fast in life and you will see betrayals from the people you trust initially and then you will again experience a change in your temperament as you evolve dealing with people.

Sometimes, even though you hate interacting with people and do not enjoy working with them, you are forced into situations where you need to express yourself and have to communicate as well as confront to take a stand.

People constantly demean you, underestimate you and you hate that to the extent that if you see someone genuinely loving you as well you end up questioning their intent and then abandoning them out of insecurity feeling that even they were out to get you down.

You will learn a lot by the illusive trust that you place others into, as you will feel that you always end up trusting the wrong set of people in life and then you stop showing your emotions to other all together which is another bad thing as it causes hindrances and communication gaps in your relationships.

Saturn here will bring in the blessing of inheritance to you in abundance and thus, you would see some great happiness from your parents but you still are craving more and in denial, do not ever do that!

You go into social settings voluntarily and you become restrictive after socializing as you do not want others to know much about you, you learn the real true value of relations and networking here and become lonely in a gathering similar to you.

You try to gather people and mobilize them but Saturn here teaches you not to be a show-off person and stop being ostentatious unnecessarily.

You are exposed to the world at a younger age itself and then you will learn how to network with anyone and everyone but none of this is your actual desire and hence, you face issues.

If your 4H is placed with a malefic then you start earning early in your life and you will continue working and make money throughout your life as there is no end to work for you in life.

You end up taking pressure very badly and many a times you are developing interests out of a need to follow someone and surpass rather than your own interest.

You will always have secrecy regarding your gains in your life and will not be able to relate to people who try to make you vulnerable.

You get a good long life as a blessing, and you may even get favors from your life partner and their family.

Saturn here can make you the mass mobilizing leader as well as it can create an ersatz for in terms of being lonely despite the followers you gain, hence prioritize well-enough for yourself and move on with life to create a healthy balance that will utilize this retrogression in your favor more and more!

Saturn Retrograde in Twelfth House (12H)

You will see that a retrograde Saturn will cause a lot of fantasies here in-built and imprinted on your mind.

This will give you a lot of expenses and the impending karma revolving around your life is to be able to cater to your increased expenses of life and also will give you urge to spend more and more but you will be facing issues to cater to these needs and thus, you will also be smart enough to do savings in life but only to a limited extent.

You have a tendency to self-sabotage as well with Saturn being retrograde here, and you will wait a very long time to achieve some of your desires and then suddenly you will feel uprooted from that desire when it manifests and time teaches you patience.

You are not easily able to capitalize the right opportunity at the right time and then you regret this later very much.

You will be taught dealing with guilt and regret about your materialistic success and this would come out as forced circumstances upon you or even your normal ways of life will be difficult.

You will see that there is always a limit set by Saturn over your expectations here and this causes more problems in your life as you are bound to do so much work but your normal self is evolved and you will see that you have to change yourself completely to shift your plans, change your thought process and then you get frustrated with multiple degrees and so much knowledge, not knowing what is your purpose.

One of the best things that the Saturn retrograde in 12H brings is the humbleness and grounding in that person because you will see them treating their subordinates and people who work for them or even normally any downtrodden people.

They become very charitable and actively work for the NGOs, social workers and even you will see a very strong sense of belonging with people who are not easily understandable by others whether it is someone aged or someone disabled or someone who has seen so much trauma.

This Saturn retrograde also makes sure that you will see yourself getting emotionally drained in life and this will make you feel less satisfied from pleasures in life as things come to you in a very delayed fashion than others.

Retrograde Saturn keeps on changing your income sources and then when you finally get into service that provides help to the public you see your income finally stabilizing. It will give you a lot of unnecessary public dealing as well in life.

Your luck activates slowly in life and you will see a lot of pressure at work initially, even layoffs or job losses are common with this placement and then later you will navigate this life in such a way that you finally do not enter the competition loop but would have changed the game itself where others have to compete with you.

It blesses with you with materialistic rewards at later point in life but you will see challenging circumstances within the family and you will see health repercussions as well being projected out of the same.

A very typical issue that happens when Saturn gets retrograde here is constant misinterpretations and politics seen from your family or even partner’s family side.

You will develop rigid love for your family to the extent you start ignoring their misbehavior and you will start spoiling them with resources.

You will seamlessly spend money and this will motivate you to earn more but you yourself become very ascetic in terms of living a minimalistic life.

As Saturn progresses your life slowly, you finally realize the meaningful insights behind spirituality, become an avid reader, possess great knowledge and also takes you closer to understanding perspectives.

With vast knowledge, you will gain status and royalty in life from others who will acknowledge you and seek active help and advise from you.

You find happiness in solitude and go into introspection phase closely. It provides you room for rectification and will try to make you very philosophical.

You might even go into legal profession or even healing as occupation because people trauma dump on you and you face situations where people become vulnerable to you fast.

Life will be long but you are also prone to physical injury that might come multiple times in life.

Guilt and regret will motivate you a lot to seek spirituality as you have always sought out that for rectifying some mistakes.

Life is all about willpower and spirituality. You will find acceptance in your situation and then elevate yourself more from your legacy.

You will always fulfill family responsibilities and you will put your own passion on the backseat.

You love to stand for people in their difficult times but then people will misinterpret you, think you are rude and you will not bother correcting them and keep expecting that they would recognize your actions more.

You will be cheated by people and face humilation as well in life often from others, fake accusations and problematic scenarios regarding your image.

Loss of father is also seen from this placement and then you will build upon these losses and make you a strong person who knows what it means to hit rock bottom and then heal oneself fully.

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