The Lunar Eclipse happening in a sensitive time when already people are frustrated and coping with changes during this year of 2024.
Saturn is already making us confront insecurities and with the Mars and Saturn together accompanied by Venus and Mercury together as well in different signs but this is causing further issues both at emotional level and physical level for everyone.
Let’s understand how this week will be shaped for all the signs and how the Eclipse will bring in changes to each of us!

It has been sometime since you have been feeling lost and slowly you are becoming vary about the changes and accepting that trying to control situations will not always be helpful.
You have been contemplating so many ambitions and feeling lonely in a gathering as usual.
Even though you have been stepping out for networking with people, you are also seeing a lack of reciprocation from them in accepting you or understanding your impulsive vibe too.
You are being irked by the people who you are letting to come in your life.
This time around you will become subserving to them and then help them out very much out of emotions.
Now, whether this will lead to a better relation with these people or end things for you depends on their reciprocation since now you will contemplate and finally be able to confront whether people are actually at your side or not too.
This time around you cannot beat around the bush as to decide whether to keep these connections hanging or not.
You will take action and finally reach a decision whether to allow all these new people in your life or not.
Your financial conditions may improve this week and March 25 and March 26 will be a smooth time spent with family where you will feel much more happiness.
You will manage your work with an approach different from others with time management and strategy that will keep you proud of yourself.
There can be lower back pain in you and headaches or body aches due to exhaustion can likely cause you distress in this weekend.
People looking for marriage and relationships may get good rewards in return.
A good time to contemplate what you actually want to prioritize in your life as some of you have been in the cross roads so far and trying to run away from these situations but now you cannot and it will make you insecure about your finances as you may realize you need much more money to manage expenses planned.
You will be more concerned about your health this week as well but do not become unnecessarily hypochondriac either as your overthinking is at an all time high and this can cause problems within you especially if it impacts your mental health and well-being.
Be careful and start confronting situations than running away from them now is the best remedy as no more delay is needed and you are evolving your decision making capabilities.

A mixed result for you awaits this week as your mental distress has been high.
You have been facing so many arguments from people around you sometimes owing to your overthinking or in general you are giving too much attention as to what people are telling you ruining your mental peace.
The past week has been heavy in terms of feeling a certain sense of loneliness but your family has served as your sanity in these times with you.
You may decide to start a new routine or regime this week out of being compelled to prevent overthinking.
Your body weight has been increasing for quite sometime and slowly it is causing you some insecurity so you may even decide to act in that direction too.
You may meet some new people or decide to network more this week to get away from all the exhaustion and anxiety.
A good time is foreseen as you receive appreciation from work but with silent acknowledgement rather than active validation.
You will enjoy your time and are trying to learn how to live by yourself even though you are not the type of person who enjoys being by themselves.
You may account for expenses even more this time and though we can see some changes in your income positively, so will be there a corresponding change in your expenses so expect a mixed feeling about the same.
You are preventing yourself from being too indulgent and the eclipse will further cause mental distress in you as it will awaken the self-worth questioning tendencies.
You may feel down and lazy even more than usual and this will impact your lifestyle as it will make you slide back to your comfort zone.
Insomnia may also be common during this time as you are getting a lot of sleep but still aren’t able to properly take the sleep or are feeling tired from all the parallel multitasking.
Time to re-evaluate your intellect and instead of overthinking focus on how you can expand upon your knowledge base this week to get the best results.

A good week after a long time. You had been stressed out during the ending of last year indeed so a much needed change with relief is seen here.
Emotionally you have been feeling drained as few of you are really missing the old people in your life who have drifted apart.
You may try to reconnect with them again.
You are going to become dissatisfied from your career and feel the heat that people are moving ahead than you in life.
You have been feeling down due to this for sometime but had been not confronting this issue but now is the time to finally take action too.
You will detach yourself from people and go into a self-evaluation zone to plan out your next course of action.
You are feeling heavy sense of anxiety especially the eclipse will make you insecure about your current stability.
You have been questioning why life is not being stable so far for you especially since the past 6-8 months, it has been quite a rollercoaster.
The eclipse will provide you the clarity about what you need to do to stabilise things and you have been desire that ever since long.
A word of advise would be to not contemplate way too much and delay your decision making again rather think about immediate actionable items on your to-do list to get better results out of this anxiety.
Good times do lie ahead but you would be in course of planning than execution for this week as such.

A heavy time already that has caused you mental distress is here to stay.
Some relief compared to last week you have been witnessing even though this is more like a silver lining to be frank.
Some of you lost your jobs or have been facing increased workplace politics and may decide to move out.
Some of you were expecting that promotion which has not came to you so you are again deciding whether you really want to continue at the same place or not.
You have been in a lot of anger and emotional distress and the times are such that you are feeling that even your closest friends have been just trauma dumping upon you rather than helping you out.
You are not able to clearly express your feelings and in fact you are not sure how you are feeling either at the moment as you are under serious contemplation of what is happening around you and are trying to digest the same.
Times ahead are challenging but you are not able to get a break that you have been looking for even though physical health is comparatively better than last week but the mental exhaustion is still irking within you.
Insomnia is here to stay to a certain extent for some of you as well but this time you will just take a chill as you have literally given up on controlling situations now and are just looking to adapt to different areas of life and circumstances instead.
Eclipse is here to show you who is on your side and you will now start filtering people for fresh beginnings again.
A very interesting way to see how things shape for you is try to go with the flow now since you have already seen nothing is working out then why bother take charge?
Chill and take a step back! It is fine.

A very weird week awaits you. You have enjoyed a lot the past week in one way or other.
The enjoyment was when you decided that I do not want to address my problems rather let’s just find an outlet to all the solutions.
Partying is probably your way out to handle trauma but deep within there is this slight worry in you about uncertainty about the future.
The silver lining here is that you have both the options in front of you open unlike past hard times but you have been questioning since weeks what to choose.
The eclipse will bring in financial insecurity within you and some mismanagement of cash is seen if you are not careful.
You may decide to leave the situation uncontrolled and make some impulsive expenses, just a word of advice do not do that!
Not a good time to be trying road rage or careless driving as you may get injured or have the chance to meet a bad accident by the end of week so prevent it rather than curing it.
A good time to demonstrate your patience towards your colleagues and take charge of the work that you had been ignoring for sometime.
You are not going to be in the mood of working much this week either but the silver lining is you will plan out your finances well after some realization this week for the future.

What a mess for you this time around as if already the times were not hard enough!
Well, the simple summary of this week for you is this time shall pass too!
You need to think more about your priorities and being hard on yourself while imposing unrealistic expectations upon yourself regarding your work and relationships is honestly not going to help through.
You are pretty high in energy at the moment and as much misunderstood you are feeling currently, you know deep within that this is not the time to vent out.
You will start taking more and more risks to manage your life choices which is not a very good idea but actually this time I would say do not stop as experimenting is the only way out of your mental anxiety.
The silver lining here is that you would be financially less stressed and you may actively enjoy spending time with your children (if any).
A good time to sort out any arguments or teared off relationships if you had been contemplating any reconcilations.
If not, then learn to process it and move on! That is best for you at the moment.

A good time to enjoy physical pleasures and comforts of life but you have been overspending on yourself a bit lately and may feel slight regret about that.
You are blessed with a fine intuition and this will impart you some good instincts to judge your current colleagues who have been trying to overwhelm you at work.
You will decide to let go of your past traumas which is going to be healthier for your mental health indeed.
Hassles related to your family especially arguments between close people you know will irritate you but a word of advise to not try and take the responsibility of being the conflict resolver like you always do this time around.
Chances are both the parties will blame you and then you will unnecessarily get your mental peace ruined.
A good time financially if you learn to play your cards well and limit your expenses else you may face challenges later.
You will feel the need to explore purpose of your life more and will work towards that direction with this eclipse.

The tough times of the past are just to test your perseverance.
Some of you may have seen misunderstanding at your workplace and now this eclipse is asking you to cleanse out those past connections else you will not be satisfied.
It is hard for you to accept that you have given up on people but honestly you realise that you were being harassed in the name of tolerance all these weeks.
So, better let go of them than contemplate what could be done or what could have been done to prevent such situations?
What is more problematic is that people are trying to trigger your anger and you are just not interested to give a damn about them.
This is making them more impatient but the transit is such that you feel you are fine even if people are misunderstanding you and you do not feel the need to explain yourself anymore.
You will be able to see a better overview about the purpose of your life.
Travel is on the cards soon again already you are having a hectic routine all this time and now you will take the decision to further your cause more.
You are trying to find meaningful clarity to your life and this time around you shall find it just stay patient.
Expecting results too fast is not the way around but soon you will see a beacon of hope that will be rewarding indeed!

Career contemplations and difficult decisions are in the pipeline for you this eclipse.
You will no longer see your jovial nature coming out for people as you will demand your worth from people and they are in for a surprise when they see your this avatar.
Be ready for work related travels or even for self-discovery as you are making some plans to travel either by April or May and are in course of action to understand the purpose for same.
You are going to feel the heat at work and think about changing jobs but be careful at the moment as this feeling is ephemeral.
Good times are ahead to keep you engrossed but if you allow yourself more impulse than logical thinking then you may see a downfall that you did not expect at all.
Health wise it will remain stable and you will see some positive changes in your lifestyle as you are getting bit insecure about your routine at the moment.

A good time ahead is seen but things will still remain stagnant and not working out the way you are expecting it to be.
You have seen some issues here and there always but that time is the past now but you are just contemplating your rise to the pinnacle of your potential that has been lacking for quite sometime now.
Time is favorable for you when it comes to investments. You will be able to capitalise those opportunities in the stock market and also will be happy about your optimal profits.
Good time to buy new assets as well for you and you will remain joyful.
People have been expecting you to be emotionless but deep within you are feeling a lot of emotions that you are not able to express out immediately but you will still find a way to indicate to your loved ones how special they are for you!
You may plan foreign travels and also look at getting higher studies if interested.
This time you will feel you need to upskill solidly to become better version of yourself and will rise much once again.
Be your authentic self than projecting a different side of yours to people at the moment as you need to contemplate decisions of either pleasing someone or prioritzing yourself.
Well, you know the answer to that question already so try to explore deeper meanings and essence behind these emotions rather taking them in literal sense at the moment.

Mental anxiety continues but you may see some new people or your old relations coming back to your life which will help you fulfil your goals.
You will see your expenses multiplied this week.
You may indulge into a lot of recreational activities.
The eclipse is going to make you insecure about your adaptive nature to different circumstances.
You have been trying hard a lot to cope up with stress but honestly you are just faking sanity at the moment to make sure others close to you do not get worried about you.
This time around you may not feel the need to hold yourself back and you will vent it out.
You will finally try to address your mental anxiety issues especially related to your health and well-being.
Work wise will be stagnant and you will keep yourself busy as well.
This time around you will not look back what all has happend, you will see forward as to what is the possibility to work around the obstacles coming your way.
All these testing times are here to enhance your conviction and self-confidence and this time you shall rise above all these by facing your insecurities head on as that is what the eclipse stands for.
You will emerge like a phoenix out of ashes to overcome all anxiety issues and work woes to enhance and uplift yourself financially in the upcoming few months.
Recreational activities with the close people as well is seen this week so have a close balance and you may incur more expenditure due to the same.
Keep your health in check as exhaustion might be there but you will see yourself fairly happy and blessed too.

Travel is on the cards again even for you as a hectic week is seen this time around.
You were under the illusion that you will visit your closed ones to feel better but actually the eclipse will leave you little bit hassled about your decisions.
Things have been testing your patience and you are feeling insecure about your finances as Saturn Sadhe Saati peaks further for you.
You were given time to contemplate and take actions in the past and now you will see some fruits from the same if you actually did some meaningful karma to rise or elevate your work or status.
You will see money rise this time around after much wait and may even incur a lot of expenses.
Overeating is on the cards again as you feel that is the way to cope stress but you shall see a different result out of that so avoid it.
Be vary that everyone you feel is on your side may be is not and reveal little information about your current whereabouts to people.
Social interactions is again on the card but this time you will feel you want isolation,
Questioning yourself about how successful you could have been is pointless and menial.Rather, thinking what can be done to make you more successful should be your focus and do not waver away from it.
You will be missed by your loved ones a lot and you may slide into a zone out phase again which is nothing new but this time it will not be to escape your problems but rather to confront them to find solutions around it.
Use your downfall as reinforcement to slide back to the top is the best advise for you at the moment.