Saturn will be directing within its own sign Aquarius after the middle of November and will be out of retrogression after a brief time period where it served a lot of karmic lessons for all of us and even brought wonderful manifestations for some as well.
Jupiter will continue being retrograde in Taurus as times proceed further in November and will be giving us the opportunity to resolve some of the problems that we had not been able to fully confront in the past. For more details on the Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus, you can check here.
Mars will remain debilitated in Cancer for November.
Mars is not going to remain debilitated as such because soon it will also go retrograde in December, but what makes this transit even more interesting is that Mars is going to aspect Sun, and Mercury to make drastic changes in authority and business, as well as a wholesome impact on the world order will be foreseen too for a brief period of time.
The 8th aspect of Mars will be going across to Saturn and that is the actual bigger impact would be seen there, but in reality Mars is also 5th from Rahu, so Rahu will also be aspecting Mars in this transit and later when Mars goes retrograde reversing its debilitation to a large extent, that is when things will take bigger turns as Mars, Saturn and Rahu together will be mutually interconnected and create revolutionizing changes in the world order.
It is going to be a long-term transit and Mars Retrograde will start from 7 December 2024 will not feel emotional or problematic anymore, it will rather be extremely strong and unemotional.
Venus will be moving on to Sagittarius imparting a true sense of beauty to your spiritual pursuits and also contribute in making you spend a good amount of quantum for your better comforts and some of you might even take this as a hint for your education.

Mars will be going through 4th from your sign and home will be becoming the focus more and more, similarly to the Jupiter retrograde results and you will be also revaluating multiple situations in your life.
There might be some expenses here and there to repair your house, and these would come unforeseen all of a sudden that might spoil your monthly budget and finances.
Avoid impulse expenditure at the moment, and focus on your lifestyle enhancements such as your diet, gym and much more better aspects of your life.
Some of you may be surprised with sudden changes in your job or workplace, either some sort of gaslighting or disrespect can come that will hurt you a lot but this is going to also serve as a foundational reminder to you that you need a change or you need to evolve or move on from familiarity.
If you had the chance to read up on my August Horoscope that you had been feeling very confused back then regarding your visions and goals in life, and your mental health was not in the right direction back then to take action so now you are getting a validation for those intuitions you had about your work and purpose back then!
Now, you are starting to go into an action mode and this will be a long transit indeed so expect a good amount of effort into that direction to be able to understand your true self.
Remember, Mars will make you anxious throughout November so do not take any aggressive and impulsive decisions out of haste rather out wait and then take up matters into your hands once you are feeling more comfortable.
Trust me, this transit is not going to make you emotional, you are getting emotional breakdowns but these are simply serving as a reminder to you about “Why you should neglect being emotional?” in the first place and later when December starts suddenly this transition from an emotional lover or a nostalgic past admirer to Rudra energy will be drastic for you as you will now make changes, corrections and take serious contemplations into your career, your finances and work, much all over!
This is honestly not the time for you to panic because you do not have the luxury to panic either, you will be on the spotlight and you would have to make or break a lot of decisions, choices, habits and much more during this transit.
This is not a testing time, Mars your sign lord is just preparing you to be the best again! Remember, July or March of this year? When you felt down, when you felt it is fine to let things function at its own pace?
Well, well, no longer you are going to feel that as the warrior hits back, remember the Raja of this year is Mars only the Mantri is Shani as per Vikram Sampatha 2081 which is the English year 2024, so despite all that Saturn dominance, next year has to be shaped to come and bend to suit Mars once again for all that neglection that happend to Aries and Scorpio ever since 2023.
This transformation cannot come unless you show that one final stage of perseverance to the top and handle all these unnecessary expenses, financial issues, emotional anxiet, frustration and then make yourself a top handler of these situations to come out prepared to take rewards later!
Although it will not be easy later that easily as Mars deliberately goes to Gemini but you will feel much better when you have given your best shot, right?
So, do not fear anymore, take that small step in the direction you intend – whether it is about a job change you want, or a relationship that you need to confess or a move-on from someone that you feared abandonment from, go ahead, do it but within the boundaries of your intellect.
The 9th from your sign will be impacted by Jupiter and Venus as well. The 1st, 5th and 9th houses will be blessed by both the Gurus this time around for November.
Your interest for higher education, if you are an existing researcher or if you even pursue spiritual activities actively, you will be strongly supported by Venus here and since Jupiter will also be retrograde so some of you can expect a good amount of material success provided you channelize your willpower properly this time around.
Expansion of spiritual and material pursuits of life will be seen in November for some of you provided your 9H is not afflicted.
You will see some positive influence on your ascendant and you will see that it is contributing to increasing your confidence to take that career jump either by hook or by crook.
Do not fall for click baits and marketing ads with small time money making Lakshmi chit fund type scams, otherwise you will make losses out of your own recklessness.
Stay away from such activities and approach your wealth journey with a slightly conservative fashion this time around even if someone advises you.
Love is not your priority at the moment especially given Sun is debilitated 7th from you and you will feel disconnected for the first half of the month.
Do not try to unnecessarily prove yourself again and again to your partner and avoid overcompensating to avoid backlash in relationship.
For example, you thought I will plan a trip and you put 10 days leave and made a plan for 10 days with someone who has recently came into your life or reconciled, they will not be able to handle this intensity.
Health wise you will notice that your digestion is directly impacted given Mars debilitated in your 4th and Sun debilitated 7th from you.
This would definitely contribute to higher hunger pangs and you will also start unnecessarily stress eating that will contribute more to weight gains.
Blame game might become part of your life and you will hold tight to even smallest mistakes and gaslight on others which you should avoid, and you will have to learn to patiently handle anger as Mars is not in a very good condition for even the upcoming year so you have to learn to handle this the right way!
If you end up over-exercising then that also will create its own problems so rather focus on how to strike a good balance in being health conscious and not health feared.
Time and around, you have seen your life testing your patience and this is not an exception or a new time as such either, so focus on learning patience and controlling anger this time around as things progress at its own pace and you will eventually learn to channelize your intensity in the right direction.
Mars is all about transformation for you, as Mars goes 8th from your sign but then this is overwhelming you.
You are finding it hard to feel blessed despite Jupiter trying to support you.
You are wondering whether the choices that you made to move forward in life have actually moved you forward or you are feeling trapped regarding your choices, that is causing you some distress here and there!
Restlessness is at an all time high but this is something you can talk about to a Scorpio friend for whom this is for a lifetime and they can actually guide you well, but as already mentioned in the earlier monthly horoscope, you are just not ready to take advise from people.
Well, guess what? Mars is here to change exactly that attitude, as 8th from your sign for Mars will make you feel solitude, make you delve deeper into research, overwhelm you with exciting problems in your life that you actually were missing – thrill!
Yes, thrill has been missing in life ever since you stepped forward into a new chapter but what is really important is that you need to process the changes that are happening.
Health issues will become normal now, but you will still feel extremely mentally anxious and you are unsure what is going wrong or not!
What you need to do is feel the need to move on, feel the need to work on yourself better and embrace this research phase as a stepping stone to find your purpose.
Mars will support you in finding answers to unexplained situations and experiences in your life so far.
Hence, it is important that you embrace this new reality and try to adapt to changing situations and needs of the hour.
You are not feeling satisfied in certain areas of your life and this is not the time you can decide to take big changes or life choices at the moment.
Relationships will be problematic and some of you might go for a breakup too.
You will see changing stances in relationships, say you were the passive supporter earlier now you become the provider or you had put too much efforts now you are not gaining the same intention to sacrifice for others.
Folks who are into studies or preparing for competitive exams will benefit a lot from this transit as they will be able to focus better and find themselves determined enough to crack the top of the respective subject areas.
Many of you will be traveling a lot as well and if you do not travel, you will be spacing out and your mind will be diverted to a lot of other things apart from your work this time around.
You will remain careless and not take responsibility for your work and actions. All this is happening due to Jupiter being retrograde in Taurus and due to this, you are not able to process all the moments of your life in the way you had expecting.
Stress has been piling on a lot, as you had exited Sadhe Saati and since even though you have seen manifestations, since these are not the way you had expected, you are zoning out, a bit unusual but yes, this is something you will feel similar to Pisces.
This is a time period that will be about realizations – value of people, value of career and work.
You should definitely take out some time to detoxify and destress yourself so do not feel guilty to take a small weekend getaway or even a proper small vacation in between your parallel multitasking this time around.
If you are not able to give it your all to the goal that you planned, so taking time out will only help you enhance productivity later and do not miss any opportunity for the same.
Live life, full size! You enjoy taking things positively and you need to prioritize your life and how much more better you can make the same, and try to be around people this time around instead!
Your sign lord being retrograde is asking you to go into action mode, but you will have to take sometime to reach that level and November is going to be your lazy phase.
Do not forget to feel blessed because that is really important at the moment, and only when you feel more self-confident that is when you will be able to get the maximum best out of all this!
Venus comes to your sign this time around, so ofcourse you cannot avoid seeking comforts, luxuries and much more, because all this will make you feel more connected to yourself, so this is the time, if you were thinking of getting that gold facial in the beauty parlor or you wanted to visit that spa, do not hesitate, money will flow around and come back to you, that is why you feel blessed, right?
This is also a period of creative pursuits, and that is why I said it is okay to take sometime off your routine, because that makes you realize discipline and not induce it into your life which is super important at the moment for you!
Mars will take control out of your emotions here now and on forth so you will be experiencing a lot of drastic mood shifts and swings as times pace ahead.
Every small nitty gritty will hurt you, every small neglection by people and workplace will hurt you, and it will hurt you deep, to the extent you might start thinking that you want vengeance to balance the universe back into your favour which clearly you are in no position to do at the moment.
You are feeling down, socially isolated and not able to trust your gut instincts like you used to do earlier as things get drastic for a month or so in November 2024 for you but when Mars finally retrogrades again to your 12th from sign, you will be back to your cheerful days but not in the same familiarity that used to feel like!
Relaxation is really needed right now and expenses will go through the top this time around.
Intense workplace and colleague stress will come and you will feel that you are loosing trust on people as a whole more and more.
Mars will be rewarding you with new sources of income, new job interviews, changes, relocations and much more after it goes back to Gemini.
You either have started a new educational course or planning to go for one!
Some of you may find a new passive income source too and you will do all of this because you are feeling emotionally down but then again, all this stress will become a beautiful new normal as things progress at a better pace for you!
New business changes, stock investments and speculation has not been working out for you at all and family is distrusting your gut instinct now, as you are becoming more and more anxious trying to take things into your control but honestly the need is to escape like a Pisces.
Wait for your time patiently!
This is also the month of breaking habits and stop expecting perfection from yourself.
Some of you have been under the weather very badly and overworked at your service especially things have been really hectic at the front and this is causing you not enough time to even process your exhaustion at the moment which is created further problems.
This is causing you mental frustration of not being able to deliver upto your best of expectations.
Do not seek perfection at the moment within this month and around. You will feel very negative and state of mind will be at a toss and you might even go through a sudden social isolation phase and you would absolutely hate taking any advise from anyone, just not being able to feel fulfilled of life.
Try to identify points of problems and negativity at the moment around you, check what is making you negative?
Is it excessive internet consumption? Is there a thing bothering you? Is there a validation seeking tendency?
Break all of these to be able to overcome this time around.
You will want things to manifest in a very specific way, say you are addicted to the internet and wanted your partner to behave in a certain way but they did not satisfy this silent expectation, you will vent out on them which you need to really avoid.
Saturn will become direct from your 7th and this will cause your distress and restrictions to decrease a little bit compared to earlier and you will feel better about yourself but you will see financial depreciation.
Avoid taking any loans this month around and absolutely stay away from debt for non-productive activities of life and this may backfire to you.
Business will remain as usual, not much changes and honestly you are not ready to be changing either.
This is not your month and rather you need to be grounded and lack enthusiasm so process all of this, even though I understand it is against your natural instinct but that is part of your learning process especially whenever consequences get involved, you will feel that all this will be worth it later.

Finally, a month that I can say is going to be better than the past few months for Virgo here.
You will feel strongly positive finally and this positivity is different from the past where there was some intensity and passion associated with your enthusiasm as a general rule.
Now, you are feeling positive because you have emotionally recovered and out of that build-up phase that I talked about in the earlier months but this new found happiness is fundamentally different from past, it is about acknowledging a blessing that you have survived all of this, and contrary to past where you claimed that luck is simply an excuse for failures, you are finally coming into an acceptance that yes, things are working out for me and for the better.
You are feeling productive this time around, and Saturn will lend you that support even further as you will feel strongly winning over your enemies with all the lessons that you have consolidated during the retrograde season.
Retrograde season of Saturn was all about identifying people who are authentic, confronting your problems in life, accepting some mistakes you might have made in the past whether it was about relationships, past choices and anything more, but now you are finally in sync with all of them and you have processed them enough.
Virgo will take steps to now take back control, something that they love because you want to feel needed in other people lives and these faces have changed now, isn’t it?
Those new faces who you have been discarding will now finally undergo the judgement of your observational skills and some new connections definitely will come out of the same.
A lot of focus will go on building up your assets when Venus goes to Sagittarius as it will be 4th from your sign and you will strongly feel let me make some changes in my environment to make me enhance my productivity.
It could be as small as buying that office executive chair for your work from home setup to as big as feeling the need to finally buy that expensive clothing brand that you were eyeing all this time but could not purchase out of guilt, especially post 13th November, you will start feeling the need to expedite more and more money which is totally cool, because hey, you have earned this!
Jupiter being retrograde in Taurus will make you contemplate that luck does matter but above all, you have a room to fix all those mistakes where you were so lost in resolving your life problems so far that you had lost yourself somewhere in this journey.
Did you notice you could not pursue your favourite activities in the past few months? If you loved painting, you could not find the time to paint, if you simply loved chilling with friends, you could not feel the right sense of belonging, but then now all this again comes back to you and if you neglected yourself during the earlier months, time to capitalize this moment now!
You will feel bit overwhelmed by work but honestly now you are noticing you are hyperactive. Especially if you are working in finances, or accounting or if you own a business of your own, then you will realize some technical nitty gritties to save money with your detailed analysis, and these savings will make you feel much better about yourself.
It also means you will be more and more responsible at your work, you will take more accountability and you are going to be happy to invest all of these at the right places.
Health will not be much of an issue but some seasonal ups and downs which are totally recoverable and nothing to worry about, will be present entirely during this month.
You will be very diplomatic in dealing with people, and you are going to accept people with flaws and have polite disagreements without indulging into negativity of people because now, you have realized you matter more and others are irrelevant in determining the happiness of your mind.
Young folks will be experiencing a splendid life this time around and there is a better month after a few months.
Now, there are no major issues as such in life and you are enjoying the time around and even though things are normalizing slowly, you are loving this healing pace and phase of life.
Accept some good blessings coming your way whether it is a new person in your life, some new co-workers or even gifts during all these festivities that will definitely make you feel superbly happy and above all, realize that you deserve this.
Do not start questioning people and their intentions, rather leave shaping opinions to them and that is not your moral burden to take.
Jupiter being retrograde in your own sign will make you feel actually happy and you are slowly processing the incoming blessings that came from September onwards.
Money wise everything is neutral, it is more than your need but less than your desires but it is going to be definitely fine but there will be expenditures. Honestly, that is not going to be a focus point for you this month around and you are just happy with whatever is working out for you and as long as nobody else is getting nosy about your business and income, you don’t care and you definitely don’t owe anyone any explanation about your expenses either because that is something personal decided by you.
Relationship wise you are feeling restrained and you are not putting your best efforts this time around. This is possibly because of some of you have had to sacrifice a lot for your partner’s family lately in the past few months and thus, now you just want a small break out of all of this, and to chill and be yourself.
It might come out as rude to the other person but honestly you do not bear any personal grudge to them rather you simply want to extend your me time and self-love which is totally fine but some of you friends may not get it and they will shun you this time around.
Avoid setting out self-fulfilling prophecies that you do all the time, say some people are not giving you the right to zone out, then you self-sabotage the relationship by complaining that you are being misunderstood and not reacting to situations with patience might lead to further chaos this time around.
You are all set to receive some good appraisals and also, you will be praised at your workplace and it might be delayed but definitely will be blessed with some recognition or other especially post Saturn directing in the sign of Aquarius.
Practice makes a person perfect, and this should be your motto if you are a student because you are feeling bit distracted and need to regain focus back to your life.
Stop reminiscing about your past, start avoiding inertia and open yourself to try out new things and areas in life.
This month is going to be lazy and you will not feel your best level infact bit of demotivation might come up all of a sudden if you are a Taurus.
You will feel like why should I work? Let me order some food and enjoy myself or I will do it later and as ironical this may sound, it is totally fine to do this!
Pamper up yourself and remove that guilt that you need to stay stubborn all the time, just take a deep breath and look back at what all has been already completed and focus on what can be done to complete further to avoid hurdles, rather than getting nostalgic about your past ways or methods or approach to life and decisions.
This is a good time again back to back, two for two, I would say and even though you do not shine usually, this time you are going to shine because now you are immune to small problems in life, and becoming a pro in handling all this!
Financially, this time is a good time around and this month will bring in some good investments, new sources of income through business and you will also save a lot of money owing to your natural instinct of restrictions.
You wanted recognition from work, right? This time you will get that due status and your efforts will be appreciated at the workplace and you will set an exemplary example of responsibility fulfillment in your life.
The problem is your own self-sabotage of worrying – do I deserve this? The moment you start doing this and questioning your conviction, you will be deprived of this moment so avoid that at all costs.
Good month for love and relationships, anyhow your focus had shifted back from work to personal life balance too, and this time you will be reciprocated back for all of this now!
Do not force yourself in situations in the name of validation or else you will be stuck back into the very same loop again, so avoid doing that for sure!
Problems have been acute in life and you faced all these challenges, and now you have been rewarded with all the different phases of life, in some way or other but then do not make this moment as a moment of ego and not acknowledgement.
Do not ever adopt this tendency, and people will start hating you for doing this, or rubbing your struggles in their face, and this might also make others feel that their struggles are being invalidated.
Never ever dare say this to your partner with Venus in Sagittarius to avoid heated debates and prioritize thinking about your future together rather than focusing on making others count your achievements, and that will ensure that love will thrive up!
Playing the victim never suits you and you are subconsciously going to do this given the Mars being debilitated, so avoid that and rather focus on remaining private and reserved, always remember nobody cares in this world what all you struggled for or what you have achieved either but you are directly impacted by it, so why bother explaining your achievements to them?
Stick to your gut instinct and party with your own soul around this month as you embark on accepting incoming blessings and will feel elated something that you usually do not experience, so enjoy that dopamine rush and if lucky enough, probably even a cortisol burst!

You are here to plan up a lot, whether it was a trip that you were obsessed about, a new job that you wanted, a new manifestation or goal you had desired but things have not been getting executing as per your assumptions fully or rather there is an expectation vs reality check that is occurring for you.
There is a different plan the higher authority has for you, and you are actually enjoying that, so now this month is finally about some good blessings around and a lot of expenses are going to come this month too.
For those who are employed, you will see appraisals, new bonuses and even some good financial gains from investments is also seen after middle of the month once Saturn turns direct.
You will feel that you are too busy about fulfilling your plans and executing them than actually addressing problems related to your knowledge acquisitions and will lack a creative spark this month around.
Some of you may encounter what we classically call as a writer’s block that there is a mental zone out or a phase out about what you even want to do?
You have been so busy engrossed fulfilling your work and desires that you never took out the time to actually sit down and think what you are desiring, is that really actually a desire or not?
This may sound ironical but this is exactly how you are feeling and moreover to top it off, you are still trying to use your other activities that keep you engrossed as an excuse to not address the elephant in the room and this has amplified as mentioned earlier about Jupiter Retrograde for you folks in Taurus sign too.
Do not be mad, let the universe pull you towards what is supposed to be your attraction. If you are into service based career, then expect some superb networking coming up your platter and you will also see some friendships that used to be around you going away with the Saturn directing 12th from your sign, you feel that there is an added burden on your wealth acquisition which has been going down the line and there were some greedy folks in your life only there for your resources who will show the true colors and now will move on and shun you off!
You will be slaying competition again as brace for an economic recovery this month if you are into business but stay careful about your new investments and avoid impulse, this is not the time to win it, rather it is to survive through and that is something you already do very well – living in denial and feeling blessed when you redirect to the right path!
Exhaustion will be moving higher and you will feel unwanted to express yourself. Isolation will become again a problematic issue for you and you will try to escape this away again.
Your focus will not remain on relationships and love this month around. You may decide to sacrifice time for your loved ones but that is as if mechanically driven and not coming out naturally from you, it is simply to put a check mark on the bucket list of your partner that yes, I exist for you, that is all, you are not feeling so well-connected about being hyperactive because you are not in the mood to prove your worth to others rather you simply want them to acknowledge you for your love and not for your efforts so this might come as cute to some and abrasive to others.
People have exited out of your life, some of them passively and some of them actively. Things are manifesting for you again and this is because there were some planning here and there even in chaotic or entropic fashion that you had been carefully doing secretively about your work, your goals, your to-do next list and if you are seeing some positive results out of it, cheer up, you deserve them more and more.
Headache and indigestion will become a common friend for you and chances are in the last week of November or post mid week, you will also see some exhaustion due to your commute or busy plans as Sun goes to Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius will invite some backlash at work despite the recognitions so beware of workplace conspiracies because some of the folks are super jealous of you.
Appreciate yourself for your efforts and hardwork despite the mood swings and the universe is rewarding that sincerity now, so go ahead and claim that royalty! Times ahead will be positive but make sure you stick to your words and are not escaping problems otherwise things may go haywire again down!
This is a so-so and on average month. It is a mix of hurdles and perspectives whether you address that as an obstacle or you take that as an opportunity and there will be delays about your work but one good giveaway is that you will definitely get what you want!
Finances finally have started getting sorted and you will put a positive effort in the direction of expanding your income and even indulge into income sources as Mercury will bless you for the same.
You will find new people in life and you will feel rejuvenated from the same. There had been a lot of missing and filling in the holes with toxic people and lost connections from the past but once again as we approach closer and closer to a new Saturn transit, all your friend circle will be slowly fading away and a new one will be created.
You will strongly feel that there is a lot of enthusiasm and energy for the people who are entering your life and listen to each and every one of them.
You will definitely discover some new idea or customize the same to get a good monetized time around.
If you are into business, then you are going to reap a lot of benefits.
A few months back when I had talked about the fact that you had made some irreversible hard life choices and finally all of that is slowly paying off, you are feeling more in control about your stability and no matter this stability was desired, now somewhat you are disliking the same not because it is not something you did not desire but rather because it involved you giving control out and sometimes even doing people pleasing.
You will give up on people pleasing this month around, very strongly sometimes that may have consequences and it is not like you are not aware about them, but you are in zone or rather your mind is feeling as if I can handle this, I am comfortable with the sort of repercussions that may come out if I express myself boldly and you do not want to repeat that same mistake of not giving your all or rather not expressing your true side the same that you made in March and April of this year.
So now, you are immune to that entire insecurity you can say or fear that used to be there in your mind as to what will happen, what will people think? Although you honestly did not care back then also because you did make some hard choices, but you had been feeling like I am making this choice to later prove others wrong, this may seem not interpretable by others but if you are a Scorpio then you exactly understand what I am talking about!
And you will go into that direction indeed, very boldly almost as if you want to make a change and see the impact, so irrespective what I advise you, you are going to do it, so do it!
If you are in a job or service then you will see some exhaustion and you might feel a little bit of neglection is coming to you when it comes to your workplace and it is not something major to worry about, so think beyond it.
You are probably in a cross road to deal with that workplace neglection and deal with other issues, so you will prioritize accordingly too.
Health and relationships are neutral this month and infact from the past few months which had mental anxiety issues and there were lot of unexpected hidden blessing, plans that you never had related to your journey came into the picture post September and October was similar, there was some planning or other during November or December about this journey of yours.
This month is all about practicing moderation. You need not be super intense about your reactions, need not be intense about your relationship expectations, no need absolutely to be intense about your friendship rifts and try to focus more on optimizing yourself and your pursuits more as a whole.
Let’s not forget your ruling lord Mars is debilitated, your other overlord Ketu is in Virgo and will go to Leo long time from now again not something super elated, and Mars is going to remain back and forth not in such a good state for the upcoming months either so try to be less intense because things can go other way around otherwise.
This is also a month to enhance spiritual connection but lately you have been getting very particular about your approach to devotion.
You are more obsessed about rituals, what to do, what not to do, rules and regulations, and what can benefit you but honestly you rather need to take a step back and focus on developing a connection with your deity.
No need to start being scattered and focus on what you used to do usually as a routine and continue doing that, instead of overthinking what to do, this will establish a stronger and closer connection to keep your energies in synchronization with devotion.
Conserve your energy in the right direction, and do not focus on problems rather than focus on solutions, that is the need of the hour.
This is finally some respite from past and things have been getting better after September and you were facing problems and obstructions earlier, and now the situation is similar but you have learned to actually handle them and you have become immune to all these obstacles and things will be taken care of thanks to the blessings of higher authority on you.
Life has became a level up super mario challenge because you have been facing so many problems and you found some solution or other out of the situation altogether.
This month you might also receive some good family support and gifts from your family side as your elders will take care of you and you should happily accepted and do not dare question that, rather than being irritated by that!
This month is not about facing problems but you will throw tantrums and mood swings unnecessarily. It is going to be as if you do not even want solution to a problem but just want to actively rant about it and want others to listen.
If someone suggests a solution to your problem, you do not want to hear that, you just want to be acknowledged that you have problems in life and honestly this is creating an irritable atmosphere and you should stop this trauma dumping immediately because it is only making you more acrimonious and preventing you from getting ahead in life.
You are slightly bitter because things are not going as per your ideal plan and you need to learn how to be adaptive about your actions and approach in the plan.
You are being overkill visionary such as you know that you need to take step 1, 2, 3 and 4 so you should approach this sequentially, but what you are trying to do right now is take a step 1 and then trying to jump to step 4!
Accept that you have been slightly lucky in the past 1-2 months and survived out, so now learn to live this time around and seek acknowledgement from the higher authority, feel thankful and move ahead.
Laziness and energy levels will be down for sometime around, and you need to strategize where you want to spend your energy very well this time around.
A new physical routine is on the cards for you soon, and after mid of the month there might also be some travels here and there for rejuvenation somewhat of a workation or a weekend getaway also seems likely for you!
You will feel like sympathizing with wrong set of people, avert that at all costs! Venus is transiting through 6th from your sign and you are really not interested to respond to people who are trying to poke what you are upto?
Remember the golden rule, were these people who are now trying to play goody two shoes there for you since March this year?
You know what to do then, right?
Saturn directing back in your 8th is again a concern but now being immune to issues, you are just waiting for incoming blessings of next year so do not take control of things, let it be the way they are and try to channelize things properly in a direction.

You are going to feel blessed by your parents and elders who will help you out financially this month around and you will really enjoy your good time.
Expenses are increasing and honestly you are actually finally going to enjoy briefly all the luxuries and comforts that had been making you feel guilty earlier and you will invest a lot of money for your well-being whether it is that new vehicle you wanted to purchase or that playstation you wanted to buy or that fine dress that you were eyeing for long, all that will be coming your way and for your own good as Mars has taken a debilitation 2nd from your sign.
You will focus more on realizing your family and accountability towards them making you a very responsible person, something that you used to hate and run away from earlier because you always felt that taking responsibility is a drag and you feel entrapped into those clutches actively, but now that same thing perceived as boring by you suddenly has a thrill associated with it now, isn’t it?
It is because you are getting the family love now that it is working out for you in the best possible way indeed.
You will be active in business and if you have an existing business, it will thrive and all those obstacles that had came, all those meetings and deals that were frustrating you earlier, will come to a fruition as you witness multifold blessing with Venus moving to Sagittarius which is the 7th from your sign.
On top of that, you feel this sudden need to talk with people again, and you will start actively networking back with people, something that was somewhat missing all this time around.
On top of that, Mercury that had been feeling down with all the combustion will also be finally finding some relief and Sun debilitated 6th from your sign for half of the month will create scope for making you lazy and you will not feel the need to be in charge of your routine and you will prefer to chill back and Mercury will rid any guilt for the same as well.
As soon as mid of the November crosses, suddenly you will become hyperactive and too self-conscious about your societal image and expectations so that duality within you will activate as you tell yourself that now, you will become ambitious, you will crave that you need to pursue some serious goals and as projected last time around when Jupiter went retrograde 12th from your sign, you are here to finish your incomplete goals.
Saturn directing back in Aquarius will only extend this intention of completing all the goals in a timely manner and you will pick up the slack as you mend your ways, you resolve workplace conflicts and in case, people had been complaining for a while that you had taken some time off or you were not upto the mark, you will prove all of them wrong.
This can also come at cost of some increased work pressure post middle of the month and you may find the boss becoming slightly more demanding but you need to take a firm stand now, and not make the same mistake of not confronting with people if they try to mud sling upon you for your work otherwise you will end up in the same loop as earlier that is not desirable.
You should be happy that a lot of things are happening in parallel and many a times, you will feel that there are so much to process and do not try to go and stop all of this. A lot of things will finally get rewarded and have fun!
A lot of you will be undergoing an intense makeover whether it is removing that wardrobe malfunction that was existing and some new assets also coming up your plate.
A lot of you might have to spend some money on home repairs and there will be unexpected functions as well that might cater relatives, and you will have to bear the expenses for the same too.
Do not be feared and stop being insecure about interacting with people so make good use of festive season and you will also get due recognition for your status this time around, so stay happy!
When everything comes to a good order, you then start suspecting what is going wrong?
Well, as I said that you were becoming more responsible and then you are feeling that you are becoming a boring person and thus, you will vent this down over to your partner and you need to avoid that for any backlashes.
Seasonal flu will hit you bad, and post middle of the month some of you might be down with fever as well so take care of your health and do not feel burned out at any point, try to keep things afloat with a balance to avoid any such health repercussions coming down to your plate and this month is all set for good times then!
Trend setting has been a huge part of your life and after all the financial losses and upsets that came down your plate in the past months, you have finally seeing things are gradually shifting back to normal and sometimes even better.
This is a good time now finally as you start seeing some good positive direction in your life. You might face issues in deciding what do you need from life?
You will question whether you want to go back to your previous stints that failed or not? For example, if you were an options trader then definitely October brought some losses to you, so you are questioning should I go back to the same thing or move on to a new thing or even undergo a discovery phase, what is that new thing that I am super passionate about?
Honestly this is beautiful, as the universe will support you with this discovery but you might not be able to fully pull out from your previous pursuits so you will maintain a healthy balance now as you have learned your lesson the hard way that moderation is significant especially when it comes to you exclusively.
Business will thrive this month around as you will interact with a lot of people and you will make good networking contacts that eventually drive your monetization too.
You will also witness a neutral month for finances and you will also see that there are people who are ready to support you as well, so you will see that people will spend money on you and you will enjoy this pampering a lot.
You will also witness that health issues might come up in your children, if any and Saturn directing back 5th from your sign will cause some disagreements or rifts with them.
Try to rejuvenate yourself with some hobby or other that used to be part of your life back and you had lost the spark because you got busy with your life again.
This will help you out in accepting things and will ensure a smooth transition indeed.
You will be lucky in terms of relationships and find that much needed love but you will also go on a player dating spree so do not overindulge into it and make sure someone is not hurt because of your non-confrontational nature.
Finances will sort out only after middle of the month and the initial parts of the month is going to cause some havocs here and there.
Health wise you will feel bit cranky because of higher stomach issues with you. You will definitely stress eat and over indulgence will cause your health to go for a toss as Mars debilitates and you will feel very down due to the same.
Overall, this is a mixed but still good month with good outcomes as such, so no need to worry a lot and stay strong, be healthy!
This is a super mario month with a lot of obstacles and potential opportunities coming your way.
You will find new and weird challenges coming up your plate as Saturn directs back in middle of November within your sign.
You will have to face unnecessary issues here and there that will keep you occupied whether it is related to your ongoing work at job, or relationships and even small issues will ruin your mind peace.
Yet, you will definitely find solutions to each of these small issues and you will adopt all of these to pave your way further.
Some of you are undergoing interview processes to transition out of jobs and some of you are actively looking out and there will be good response.
You had been procrastinating a lot of things so far in life and workload will increase on your plate and you are actually working well but will have to pick up the slack.
Financially, this is a very average month, middle of the spectrum, neither you are too much into savings nor you are broke so everything is fine and working out for you.
Pick up the divide and conquer approach so make sure you get a good amount of balance to gain on the upcoming opportunities.
Do a lot of discovery related activities this time around. For example, if you are a content creator, then discover a new user base, if you are looking for a job then you need to find new ways to apply to jobs, if you are approaching relationships with sacrifices then you will have to rethink, so this is a classic month of restrategizing.
Sometimes, one has to let go of the past and their achievements and cannot afford to cling to them out of a need for advocating practicality, so do not hesitate in taking a more realistic approach.
For example, if someone said that relationships need a lot of time investment but that is not working for you then change your approach, do not cling to what worked for you in the past that if I continue investing more time for the person, they will eventually come around, no that is not happening.
If you had been applying jobs and depending on the stage of job hunt you are in, change your strategy, if you have been getting callbacks, then work on interview skills, if not then change your resume or applying procedure and make sure you let go of the irrelevant stuff, so this is a month where you cannot afford clinginess to the past and have to find some solution or other to help you out in the future.
Be vary of sinuses and seasonal cold especially in the initial half of the month because it will make you experience some mood swings and you will not feel upto your best.
You will find yourself bit entrapped about thinking what lies for you ahead and would plan out a lot of things but remember, did you actually saw what you wanted getting manifested in earlier few months? If not, then do not undergo this vision dream right now, go for what you do best – execution.
Do not hesitate once also to pull the trigger to increase your execution. Make sure you experience much more from execution and learn what your true interest is about.
Sometimes, plan A does not work as intended because you did not had a plan B. So, make sure to put contingency plans in place. Having a plan B will ensure that you increase probability of plan A happening.
So, if you thought let me buy this risk instrument as investment, then buy something unusually stable too against your natural instinct you will see better result from your initially bought risk instrument.
If you were applying for a domain specific role then apply for other roles relevant to your profile too, you will increase getting chances of getting a callback from your domain specific role.
November is going to prove to be detrimental in making or breaking a lot of things so stay sturdy and experience it with a lot of vigor otherwise things can go the other way and you will not desire the same.