DISCOVER the HIDDEN POWER of Jupiter Retrograde Transit in Taurus: All 12 Zodiac Signs

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Written By astro_decoder

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Themes & General Experiences of Jupiter Retrograde Transit in Taurus

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus will begin from October 9, 2024 and will end on February 4, 2025. This will not be completely independent this time around as we would have Mars debilitating soon in Cancer and Jupiter will also be aspected by Sun, Mercury and Venus for a brief time period as well.

People will also become very erratic and random in terms of their reactions, and they will be openly communicating in the same fashion. You will often see that people are reacting to different situations in a very different way that will be inconsistent and incoherent with the situations or even content with which they are interacting with.

People will consume substandard knowledge and then try to generalize that into their own perspective without thinking twice about it.

For example, people playing war games or PUBG will start giving advise to real life armies as to how to operate and what mistakes they are doing.

People consuming astrology will start validating videos and content narrowed by their cognitive biases to their own chart placement and ignore the 10+ other charts with same placement that say otherwise.

People without pets will start giving knowledge and professing about what are the pros and cons of keeping a pet.

So, overall you will see many scenarios where people are giving unasked and unnecessary gyaan based on their two minutes of research rather than appreciating someone else for their concrete research and discovery.

This is what we call as blanket knowledge which is like declaring I watched 3 videos on a subject and now I am the subject matter expert on the same.

People will be incoherently reacting as well, you will see more and more people interfering into opinions about other unrelated areas.

For example, a person living in Pune with an engineering job will be more interested and commenting on US electoral that focused on political science and economics, and the person in Pune believes that he or she is absolutely correct about an unrelated matter and he or she will not be impacted by them either.

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You will be moving into a stage for more desperation, and this will be applicable to people with afflicted Jupiter even more, and more than that, people who are not Mercurial will suffer as well.

They will be fixated about the past more and this fixation will be spoiling their future prospects. They will be crying more for instant gratifications and the Mercury transits will make them feel further that their problems are going to be much more traumatic and higher in intensity compared to others.

Everyone will feel that they are suffering the most, and they will not realize the fact that they are comparing apples to oranges, rather everyone will be stubborn to assert their problems as a higher priority.

Amidst all this, if you are a person who does sadhana, or are related to psychological fields or even if you are an astrologer as well, or practice any form of spirituality and healing, you will feel triggered, questioned and will find it difficult to have patience to deal with all this trauma dumping that will be happening across.

The bigger problem will be felt by people who are Saturn driven or are already poorly impacted by Saturn transit, such people will complain that there is an influx of people playing victim card but there is a lack of execution associated with the same, as people are only busy complaining and will not be indulging in taking any action that can potentially solve their problem.

This will become fundamentally problematic for people who are directly related to healing as well because they will often become overworked and burned out.

Hence, for them, it is best to this time deprioritize people and focus on themselves and their learnings, because it is a test of their conviction and faith into their practices as well at the moment. The lesser inputs and feedback loops you will take, the better you will thrive because most of that will be not constructive rather will be insecurities projected by frustrated people onto you to make them feel better about themselves.

People will stop saying sorry or rather will be running away from problems in form of quick work around for that, now Mars is going to debilitate, Sun will also debilitate for sometime, Saturn is also retrograde, and when Jupiter will retrograde, you will try to find a feedback loop to see some positive indication towards your desires but you will only see denials.

This denial will only increase your desperation more, and more. The only way to erode it is to simply be bit complacent about your desires and lower down your expectations for sometime.

You will have to think rationally and you need to be logical rather than desperate as it will be delayed or denied otherwise. For example, someone left from your life, instead of planning to plot revenge, rather focus on healing your within and letting it go without any desire or expectation attached to the same.

Whenever Jupiter goes retrograde, the expansive quality of Jupiter is denied. There is a need to provide refinement and enrich the approach you have in life for your existing problems.

Jupiter going retrograde wants to tell you that you need to do self-realization and undergo a small self-discovery phase about what you can do things to avoid problems you faced in situations similar to what has arise now in your life and hence, there is a room to correct those mistakes by changing your approach to form meaningful solutions instead of quick fixes in your life.

Spiritual growth will also come to all of us but this time by not seeking advice rather seeking answers to things by ourselves, and we need to put efforts in that direction and you will feel spiritually you have outgrown a lot.

Sometimes spiritual growth is painful as well because it will be difficult for you to accept your shortcomings and mistakes in the past but the time is such that you need to reflect upon those in order to feel better about yourselves.

You will also see a transformation of individuality and some form of identity shift or evolution of belief systems. For example, let’s say you were never vegetarian before, suddenly you decided to become vegan.

You did not believed in God and suddenly you became god loving than being an atheist or vice versa where you feel that you are not rewarded by god, hence, you do not want to worship or propagate it, because this is how your belief system is challenged, right, through undergoing tough times.

People who used to be calm, composed, healing and patient or simply if you were in general a nice person who is well-behaved but now you will all feel like we are so done with people.

It is because they will now focus on their own individual development and they realized that they helped everyone and now, they want to focus on themselves and honestly, it is not about being selfish anymore for them because they want to sincerely, rather if you are a person who used to trauma dump upon them, or you used to pop up suddenly in their lives earlier and exited then you will see that this time such people may forgive you but with access denied to them anymore.

You will feel surprised that they made personal boundaries and people will accuse others for making those boundaries and you will see people claiming to expose gurus or spiritual folks but in reality, to be very frank that would be inauthentic and rather a projection of their own insecurity onto others because they felt alienated by people who finally decided to take a stand for themselves but this will also serve as an introspection to those people who used to be toxic to others, and even they will evolve and learn to be by themselves.

You will be not seeing many manifestations happening easily this time around because its an introspection or rather I would say a phase where you need to reflect on past and reconcile with the ways you had approached.

You will not like to take advises at the moment and you will feel irritated by truth as you will be focusing more over desire fulfillment but then again, you will feel that you are correct and others are not, and narrow mindedness will thrive in the society or samaj.

You will feel lazy and you will feel there are days where you feel that I do not want to put much efforts as a lot of planets will be going retrograde and also Mercury will remain afflicted, Mars will be briefly debilitated too.

Sagittarius and Pisces will feel this lethargy to the maximum and they will feel that you do not have motivation to do anything and thus, you feel disinterest and disenchantment will be peaking for them a lot.

They will feel that heart chakra is being blocked and all that negativity will be resurfacing on your personality so stay careful about it.

You will start questioning the past, you will start feeling that people are liars, history was written by winners and people are trying to conceal the truth.

Jupiter in Taurus was all about breaking those traditional customs and things that were questioned, but now with retrogression, you will feel to understand what is the significance of this tradition in the first place?

These questions will arise from past experiences not necessarily trauma but now you are going to question authority. You will also question very remote things from the past such as you might question any situation that arose long back even childhood and you will revisit all of these together.

Plans will not be easily manifested and now materialization is also going to hit a temporary pause button until you come with concrete solutions. For example, you had switched a job to another job with the aim to eventually land a dream job later basis this shift.

But, you will now feel what is there in the dream? You will feel, I don’t want to put effort to go for that dream job, I am okay with this average thing and let me settle with this, all of these things are moh and maya (illusions and material attachments).

Now, let’s get specific! I will start with Pisces this time because their ruling lord is going retrograde and on top of that they are going through a heavy Saturn transit along with Rahu also sitting over them itself!

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Jupiter Retrograde will bring tons of life lessons this time around and they will realize that they are not in sync with their own beliefs from the past as the processes that were working for them, have stopped working something similar that Aries experienced a while ago.

Till now, whenever some problem came knocking on your doors, you used some excuse or other to run away or escape from problem.

If work came to your doors, you said I am going through some back pain or I am feeling emotionally anxious today or I am going through some insomniac phase so I need relief rather than prioritizing work.

Unfortunately, now that is not how things will allow you to function because as mentioned Jupiter will make you reflect your past.

Jupiter retrogression will not allow you the luxury to run away from your problems this time around and the problems are already accumulating pie by pie or one after the other while you are feeling that living in delusion is the key to happiness but the reality check will hit you super hard by February 2025 if you do not take any action at the moment.

A fair warning here would be that, you will feel down and super lazy to take action because you have seen a lack of rewards from trying to solve problems in your life before and as Sade Saati is slowly peaking for you, you are feeling visionless instead of the usual optimism and hence, you are questioning your belief system whether it was right or not?

For example, if you used to study astrology, you will question, is astrology worth it or was this a scam? You were working as engineer somewhere, you feel that is the programming language I learned even being used anywhere or was this a waste?

You were running some business and you ask yourself, is it even worth marketing this anymore? Or was it all for a sham? Take this analogy to your real life right now and then you will see how applicable and accurate this will sound to you!

This is not negativity, don’t feel that you are being pessimistic, you are actually going towards being realistic now.

Earlier you were trying to solve your problems in only the ways that you thought worked for you earlier, right?

Say, you faced a challenge at your business, and you thought let’s start a new business instead of resolving issues in the existing business, and then the new business also did not work left you frustrated and you asked yourself, how is this possible? It worked earlier, right?

Why is it not responding the same way? So, now you will create a new reality and not a vision anymore, by reflecting on what went wrong altogether.

You will question whether your efforts have been in the correct direction so far or not! You will have to change your ways of communication and even writing in fact you are already seeing that transformation coming.

Earlier you used to be motivating to others and used to encourage people to try something new, now you are no longer in that mood in fact you are unable to cope with your mood swings and this is making you question your own integrity whether what you professed is holding even true today or not?

That duality inherent within you is hitting up a lot! Jupiter going retrograde will also make you insecure about your finances as well quite a lot because you had been ignoring the same so far and till now you were being protected by Jupiter honestly but now that you are facing a squeeze up between Saturn and Jupiter along with Rahu on top of you, you are going to take drastic steps in the direction of regaining back financial stability.

The problem is that this is not the time to take drastic steps but rather the time to first reflect on what you already have in your arsenal. If you do not optimize that, then there is again the same life lesson coming back to your bucket with one more failure added.

Now, you will redo leftover things and incomplete goals where you were fearing responsibility because you did not want that to become liability in your life but now you will take charge in that direction by figuring out, what you want in your life and make a crystal clear clarity about your priorities.

If you are a student, your priority is your exam, if you are a worker, your promotion, if business then your keen sense of acumen so now all of this will have to be refined and now that quick fixes are not working, you had used short term coping escapism for temporary dopamine boost that is not coming anymore, so fix things permanently by replacing the leakage in the pipe with a new pipe and not with a patch.

Develop better skills to aid you in opportunities and enhance your professional status and then results will be amazing, just wait and watch.

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You are undergoing some new drastic changes in your life already and some of you began a new chapter altogether whether it came by relocations or a new job or a job change, or something that did not exist in your life earlier.

There will be shifts in your job responsibility and this time, it will not be overwhelming because you are well into expectations that you need to learn more as it expands more and more, and this time you will see that yes, you are grateful that you have came so far and evolved.

You will try to go into a comparison loop and this can become toxic for you because you will see that there are people ahead of you and your focus will go on people who are lesser achieved than you to make yourself feel better.

This will create unnecessary mind peace being ruined in your life and this is not desirable so why are you trying to self-sabotage your manifestations?

Jupiter going retrograde in Taurus will make you revaluate and focus on your work much more and you will take this very seriously as you feel that you do not want to end up in a loop back where you become jobless or you become victim of problems at your workplace anymore.

You need to make sure that you have evolved the people around you, not in the sense of healing them but protecting your healing aura from unnecessary and unrequired devotion.

It is true that people will try re-appearing in your life from the past but ask yourself this before you make them the priority over your work, as Jupiter wants you to reflect these mistakes that you have made, do they really suite your needs at the moment?

Were they there for you when you needed them even if you did not actively asked?

Chances are that the answer to this will become a resounding no, and hence, you need to revaluate your strategy because you cannot afford to again start prioritising them, and no this does not make you toxic, this makes you mature.

Mature enough to know that network keeps changing, mature enough to know that you no longer need them and it is not selfish to eliminate people from your life given they never respected your integrity in the first place.

So, Cancer will revisit this and they will forcefully change their network, move away from existing ties and rather they will break those ties that kept hanging on, and on for a very long time out of a need for familiarity even if it was toxic and hence, Jupiter now solely wants you to focus on your work and your ambition.

You do not have any vision and you honestly don’t want to have it, either, this is also the truth, you simply want to make sure, that you do not commit same mistakes again, you do not make yourself vulnerable again and you will revaluate whether the correct set of people is around you or not.

You will take the mantra: “You become the average of five people you are around the most” very seriously this time around! So, you will make filters and change everything and you are being overwhelmed with this change as you feel nostalgic about the past but you need to make yourself so active that you forget about it, forget about what is bothering you to the core!

Infact, you will not have the luxury of time to sit down and think on it anymore, because you will be setting out a lot of parallel plans and you need to cater to each of them, a mundane routine has to be established and you need to follow the same with integrity.

If you are changing and no longer the same person, that is nothing to fear, in fact that is what the need of the hour is! You should not feel demotivated and rather work your way up again slowly and be mindful about people around you and surround yourself with people who can elevate you up!

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You will feel triggered enough to showcase your rude and crude behaviour around people now!

Your natural mode of expression is defensive as you want to protect your sensitivity and you will have to change this mentality to a certain extent in your life.

You cannot afford to hold up to things in life and you cannot be crude enough anymore.

You need to move towards new people, new ideas, new perspectives and new workplace as well for some of you with a new open mindedness.

What you enjoyed earlier, has became the bare minimum now, and tomorrow it will not be valuable anymore so you will have to embrace the new reality something you share similar to Cancer as well.

People is not out there to get you, because simply you feel that way and you realize that you are not really important for people, so forget about the world and people.

Focus on what you need to upgrade in your life and eliminate all the old perspectives, old problems and even old books to cleanse yourself and feel energized by eliminating all of these from your life.

You were solely focused on uplifting your societal image, status and success once again that had seemed to hit a pause button earlier this year.

Now, that you have tasted some of that in different ways whether it is some business boom you experienced, or some new job or some promotion (though unlikely), you are as usual fearing what if a downfall comes to this, isn’t it?

Try to move away from this perspective truly and rather rely on how you can evolve yourself by indulging into service.

Some of you who were insecure about relationships will stop seeking one if you are single and rather focus on your service and charity for others.

You will focus on creating a routine for yourself as your 7H gets more and more activated and the retrograde is forcing to change your 6H.

So, you will try to mend your habits and focus on changing or evolving those old habits into a new version altogether.

For example, earlier you used to hit the gym in the evening, suddenly you feel that you want to change that to mornings, or some of you who have became super conscious about your recent weight gains will try to hit the workout regime more!

You will start playing a new sports as well interestingly something that drives you to more sweat and physical work as lately you had been feeling physically inert or inactive.

You are becoming somewhat sapiosexual as well recently as you do not want to utilize your libido for amorous activities anymore and the things that felt were boring earlier suddenly feels interesting especially if it involves doing something repetitively, say exercise, say reading or anything with a need for repetition in general as well.

Scorpio will also feel a strong change in their behavioural patterns where they will stop arguing with people as they will feel why I used to be that way?

Why do I want to explain anything to anyone? I do not owe anyone, any explanation and certainly they are not obliged to get one out of me which is usually against your fundamental characteristic especially if I talk about your loved ones because you like to hit them up with truth bombs and this is something, that you will embrace as a change in yourself whether for positive or for negative is a different matter altogether.

Focus on yourself and you are in no hurry to see manifestations rather you will enjoy that process of changing yourself and once you embrace this, you will need no remedy apart from this, but embracing this will trigger you to change your inertia or let it go which lately has been the foundation of all your manifestations unlike a few years back!

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Jupiter Retrograde is happening over your sign itself. You will see that your expression that always had a rawness and identify trigger points within yourself that needs refinement.

You have a habit about being stuck in an inertia about your ways and you strongly felt that the world needs to accomodate you the way you are. You have behaved in an erratic way with others especially this year you have been unreliable to a certain extent and you are seeing that people were not able to trust you a lot this time around.

This problem came from the fact that you are not having clarity and you are not having complete conviction about the work you are doing and you are not trying to giving your all to the work you are going towards and people who closely know you, they are easily able to realise that you are not happy about where things are settled at the moment and you are feeling that you are just doing for the sake of it.

You will see a sudden spark of interest in spirituality, occult sciences and you will try to consume random content with an entropic way and you need to learn things in a systematic fashion and not be in a rush of learning anything.

You will satisfy your curiousity this time around, and also the people who you have maltreated unintentionally or intentionally will now require you to reflect on your mistakes.

You will have strong cognitive biases regarding your views and this ego is here to break because you earlier used to be extremely stubborn but lately your ego has been eroded slowly sometimes due to problems coming with your family, misunderstandings coming for your friend circle and you have been very raw and crude in handling all of this instead of being sophisticated and Mercury will stop aiding you if you continue this way.

So, the Jupiter retrograde is here to remind you to break this pattern and introduce some sophistication in terms of how you express yourself and also it demands you to bring about a change in the way you are handling things.

It also wants to make sure that you undergo a phase of self-realization and the fact that you never want to be apologetic and took things for granted with people, that yes, they understood I am sorry can no longer be on your side and this luxury is long gone because you have started observing that people are not interested to point out your mistakes anymore, they are practicing a soft cut-off with you now, and they have eliminated you out of their lives which is fine because you want time to process things and reform as well so this is for your own good and better.

You have two choices: either you can reform yourself and bring out a new sophisticated you which is Venus driven and not raw, or you can go back to the same loop and not reflect on this, then later you will again see similar patterns happening all over again.

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It is actually a good time for you, since you are reflecting back on your past deeds, you are reflecting back on your analysis and you are feeling better that you have discovered new ways of uplifting yourself.

It is a time of self-reflection about your spiritual pursuits and you have been given the opportunity to reflect on the ways you perceived spirituality indeed.

You will need to explore the vast ocean of intuition and you will feel super happy about this intuition because you will experience a wonderful result from Ketu transiting over you and on top of that, Jupiter will make you experience the true essence of spirituality.

You are already undergoing a reformation or cleansing process but lately you observed that your usual self who was always engrossed about logic, who was super particular about understanding the nitty gritty behind the details and was meticulous about all the findings, can no longer have an explanation as to why certain things are going that way?

You have been unable to explain why you are the one who suffered a setback? You are unable to explain why you have faced issues latelty? Why you do not have answers to certain things?

And now, Jupiter getting retrograde is encouraging you to reflect upon is logic always really important? Are you able to answer your few months in the past with logic? Are you able to analyse them the way you used to do earlier?

The chances are you are unable to analyze the experiences that you have undergone your usual way but when you went towards spiritual pursuits, you saw answers coming to you, but you were unable to explain those experiences to anyone and that made you triggered even further because till now you were seeing this as your fatal flaw as to why am I unable to experience this?

Now, you have made this your strong suite and you are undergoing that transformation that sometimes logic has a meaning beyond rationality as well, this is something Libra experienced about a year and a half back and they are now happy, so will you be as well but provided that you utilise this time to your advantage of reflecting upon your spiritual self if you have not started working in that direction yet.

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You have been blessed with Jupiter retrograde this time around as it has ignited a very different facet of your personality now.

It is going to bring in more importance about mending some relationships in your life, reigniting romance in your life and if you have kids then you will feel that you will now give significantly higher quantum of time for them now, instead of ignoring your personal life that had been the case a few months before.

You will be enjoying a good time, relish on pleasures and you will see your expenses that usually are less given your minimalism is finally increasing to make sure that you also experience that luxury and fruits which you give to others.

You will reflect upon selfless love and you will put a lot of efforts to put your time towards the loved ones and you will see that they will become your priority and your professional life is eventually inclined towards making sure that they are happy and you will feel that this is your true achievement and reward in life and not the professional life that had lately maltreated you and you will love the fact that you are going to love people without any boundaries established in life.

You will feel this sudden urge to worship Devi. You will feel that material achievements mean much more beyond than just stability and you will have a self-realization that you need to revisit your goals and add there something meaningful about your personal front where you will learn to balance out that with your professional life.

Till now, you had this habit of telling your family, “Who am I working for?” whenever they questioned you not giving them their due time, now you will realize that you truly want to revisit that and make it as “I am working for those who value me, and not someone who does not”, exactly how your professional experiences lately have transformed you and it is for the better.

You will become a doting parent and experience a new found passion or hobby that you neglected in the past.

You may decide to even go for outings and sincerely you have realized that you cannot base your happiness on other people anymore and you have to step in to take charge in order to be happy in the first place forcing upon a mindset shift within you indeed.

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Comfort zone is a dangerous place and this is where you had decided to shift off lately and Jupiter turning retrograde is to remind you that you have to snap out of this.

You were not exactly interested to go to comfort zone because you actually started pursuing a lot of things apart from your work to motivate yourself with the idea that you need to accelerate up and evolve for a better transformed self.

Yet the problem that I mentioned even back in August was that you were searching for instant gratification and scattered your focus throughout only to see yourself not moving in the right direction and then later the times shaped such that your intention itself died out as you reminded yourself that why am I even putting efforts into a direction that is not yielding results.

Now, Jupiter turning retrograde is to provide you with the zone to reflect upon what went wrong that your intention did not translate into manifestations due to your scattered focus and this in turn made you bitter indeed.

So, you will now revisit this ambition and if you do not then there is a hard deadline set for you in February where you will invite problems later especially related to your workplace and toxicity may get out of hand.

At the moment, some of you are complaining about a lack of thrill at the workplace or that you are not being satisfied with the quality of work that you are providing for others, but then again have you revisited the table to understand whether you have given your best shot or not?

Chances are you were only crying victim about it, but you spent more time in casual pursuits and other fun activities that you forgot your priorities so now Jupiter retrograde is here to remind you of those priorities again and to resurface that lost focus which went down earlier.

You have seen so many opportunities right at your doors and you were ignoring them, so now what has happend is that you will now have to create those opportunities now yourself and you need to capitalize upon them.

This will help you in uplifting life and desires will be fulfilled but in a weird way because you will see that your expectations are not proportional with your efforts so now you need to bring in a balance between them.

Now is also the time that you will find a different side to your pursuits something slightly different than before, so manifestations will occur when you learn to be versatile and not very rigid.

You need to be very purposeful at the moment and have a rationale behind every move that you make.

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You have seen that the recent past has been filled with some silly mistakes and all these small mistakes are accumulated into a single consolidation that has directly impacted you and now the problems have by fold increased so now you are feeling overwhelmed with the same.

You are facing issues because you were fixated about applying quick fixes about a lot of situations from which you did not wanted to confront and now everything is resurfacing back in some way or other.

This retrograde will bring in challenges from relationship point of view the maximum because you will feel problematic and now you will get a perspective that you need adjustment in your attitude.

You are seeing challenging friendships that again eroded back, you are trying to reconnect with some of the genuine people you ignored whether intentionally or unintentionally is a different matter altogether but now, you are seeing those faces completely disappearing from your life and this is what is happening with the Jupiter being 8th to your sign at the moment in retrogression.

You will see some relationships break and if you are married active misunderstandings and challenges will come with spouse and especially their family side will be gaslighting you up or holding you accountable for not fulfilling your responsibilities.

You had been unintentionally or intentionally neglecting some closed loved ones in life and now you will be held accountable for that indeed here so this is a phase where you will loose some connections here and there either circumstantially or simply at a whim and fancy as well.

It is a difficult time especially financial mismanagement has been on a rise for you indeed, so you have seen that you have really not utilized your money in the right way and some of you are now in massive debt as well which is not a desirable situation and you are working just for the sake of working and not feeling the passion at job anymore.

A lot of you will realize that you were using your non-confrontational attitude as a way to cope up with your problems and you spent a lot doing this stress coping and now, you are feeling bad that it is biting you back.

Some of you lost a lot of money in the share market recently and it is not going to come back because now Jupiter retrograding will cause you to reflect on these mistakes.

Time for you to be especially financially realistic now, and start keeping accounts now, instead of running away as you had the habit of not being particular about money but now you need to start budgeting properly.

Stop overindulging and you will see that things will become more problematic if you do not reflect on these mistakes and if you are not debt ridden right now then be thankful.

The past is the past, so now there is no point in going back to people and apologize people, but now listen to people who were caring for you earlier, and rationally you will realize that you are not always right and the other person is not always wrong so spend some time reflecting on the relationships that you have caused trauma to others.

Do not recreate your past now, rather do not let your past ruin a beautiful future for you, think of this as like now I am going to recreate a moment which will be a good past now.

If you cannot restore relationships to proper platform but at least try to make it neutral.

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Finally, I would say there is a small relief for you as you have finished your realization phase as Jupiter goes retrograde fourth from your sign because now you are witnessing that the things that you always were fascinated about especially in terms of bringing satisfaction are not the ones that brought you that satisfaction especially it was a big reality check for you especially in the past few months regarding your recent pursuits.

Some of you are badly debt trapped and some of you are feeling that you made some irreversible decisions that are causing big problems now for you and Jupiter being retrograde is here to provide you some boons but not that easily rather in form of self-reflection.

It is only possible to manifest properly once your reflection phase is over and that is exactly what these few upcoming months will be about where you realize that all that glitters is not always gold, and you realized this the hard way.

Whether you have went to an abroad job or pursuing a higher education, or started that new business or became unemployed anything and everything is demanding you a reality check.

What is going in your mind is another different ball game because you strongly feel that you abandoned a lot of stability present in your life earlier to manifest something that you ultimately realized is not what you desired.

Willpower has been at a new low but all of this negativity or rather that is how you perceive this is here to bring you a fresh bloom in March of the upcoming year.

I always have said this that when you folks feel despair that is when you realize the best manifestations happening in your life, and exactly Jupiter is going to do that for now, temporarily itself but this realization will bring you with a new meaningful value for the things that you took forgranted – whether it is your family, your friends, your comfort zone, your day to day luxuries, anything all of which contributed to you getting a better result, will now see you becoming a better human being and as soon as you realize this value, you will see a pinnacle of fame and manifestation that would come unexpectedly so I do not want to play spoiler alert to you or make you bring to a happy state right now but simply reminding you to grind, grind as much you can for sometime.

The light at the end of the tunnel is not visible right now, you have to run towards it, you had slowed down with nostalgia and taken a hit with some misses here and there in the past but now is the time to not feel down but the time to hit the accelerator of your car which is your life.

You had been operating on fear a lot in the past, you were thinking that if I do not put much efforts, I will see lack of manifestations. Whether this holding down was about a job, or about a relationship, now you are finally realizing that this is against your true nature.

You will realize what all went wrong and what mistakes you made in the past not regarding hurting others but hurting yourself as 4th from your sign is what reflects your own satisfaction and now you cannot afford to go on holding out to the past, because you will feel that past was traumatic so stop seeing that, and now move on and ask yourself whether your efforts are correctly channelized in the direction.

Few months from now, you will see that you need to revaluate what has been correct and not so far, and now you will take action for the same. So, go ahead and don’t look back! Healing sometimes comes with anger, and this is the time to address this situation in that way!

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Sagittarius will be reflecting upon a lot of changes in your life that are happening now.

A few months back you had realized that you were lucky enough to grab a good opportunity but now is not the time to decide that with humbleness that you will get lucky twice.

Now you are lucky which is fine but you now need to prove yourself. You think that you did not put efforts proportional to getting a manifestation but actually you are lucky because you have put in a lot of small small efforts that consolidated into a great one!

There is a humble acknowledgement within you so never deny that in the future either but do appreciate it up for your own self.

You now need to prove to the world why you deserved to be lucky in the first place so that you become once again actively lucky and rise above even more.

Now, you will have to be regulating your life in a wonderful way. However, you need to make a routine especially to avoid digestion related issues as you have been quite a glutton lately with weight gains and a lot of unhealthy lifestyle.

Firstly, don’t blame yourself for that because you have been utterly busy with a lot of things and this sudden change has been a little hard to process as well for you, so now it is fine but slowly learn adjusting to the new life and try to maintain a health lifestyle back so the time is to reflect upon consistency once again and rest is sorted for you so stay happy!

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You are feeling the need to bring about a lot of changes in your life especially from the financial front and many new things are coming to your life.

Be realistic about your financial expenditure and be minimalistic and do not feel the need to upgrade things post a certain extent because your expenses might become irrecoverable later on!

You will feel drained out badly because of the same and this is going to be problematic indeed.

You are bringing in a lot of fixed liabilities in form of assets so be careful and revisit your portfolio again do not overspend on beautification of your home at the cost of your entire bank balance.

You cannot make your family happy simply by relentlessly spending on them.

You are going to acquire a lot of superficial knowledge about a lot of things and rather learn to seek expert instead of becoming an expert about yourself.

You should acknowledge luck similar to Sagittarius at the moment and you should feel blessed that you are getting a lot of things in life but do not upgrade simply to show off and rather stay low profile so discourage yourself from this.

Work on honing your skills and you should not fixate yourself to a single direction unlike other signs at the moment, you can afford to be multifaceted and do a lot of things in parallel.

You will have a habit of doing drastic changes and steps in life whenever you feel ambitious and Jupiter retrograde is reminding you to reflect on this habit and not become extremist as it will have consequences indeed.

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Jupiter Retrograde will bring in some life lessons to you this time around especially related to your work and spiritual pursuits.

You are feeling that you need to take some experience about your vision. For example, you thought that I need to gain a job in software engineering then take some realtime experience within that, start short gain an internship, check out whether it is feasible for you and then convert it to a longer time.

You need to revisit the table of your visions with a proper reasoning to back up all your actions.

Till now, you did not had concrete reasons to explain your actions, it had some element of impulse here and there associated with it, along with some tendency to prove the society wrong and tell them you are better.

This actually worked for you, do not take this the negative way, rather you are now in a stage to realize that let me work on my own interests and you will now seek a journey of self-discovery and what your true purpose is all about that is what is Jupiter going to make you all about till February.

This realization serves as an important milestone in your life because you will realize what is truly feasible for you, and what is not?

You need to understand why you are supposed to be worthy, then work towards to it.

For example, you realize that truth acceptance is hard, say you want to buy an Audi, then you need to be at a level that the cost of the Audi is a disposable income for you to acquire this as an asset.

Thus, you will realize that I will work around it and you will come into terms with that and you will realize that I need to be worthy to resonate my energy to eventually achieve this.

The best thing that you will realize is that your actions need to come in terms with your visions. This is important because it will make you a lot of personality development.

Avoid introducing yourself to new people at the moment and rather focus on developing your inner self. The past few months have made you realize that you need to revisit life and overcome your fears, and you have been substantially working towards them.

Earlier you used to escape this, now you do not have the luxury for it! So, do what you the best – Always shine and try to make others shine too!

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