Pisces unlocks a new destiny altogether as Saturn and Rahu both comes to your own sign and you are going to never recognize who you stand for later after 2025!
Saturn comes to your Pisces itself – if ascendant is Pisces then literally over your own ascendant but if your Moon is Pisces then the peak Sade Saati is about to come now!
Identity crisis will be coming to you both no matter what – you will find the “Why” behind your purpose of life especially given Pisces is very visionary as a person who loves to dream and loves to stay in delusion but you will feel it is difficult to escape which is your usual route and you will try to pinpoint that this is my purpose or this is what I have to and have to achieve no matter what!
You will kill your inner child this year as Saturn “ages” you and no matter even if you are young – you will still start acting very mature and many a times you are very childlike internally because you are very transparent and clear as a person.
If you hate someone, you shun them, if you love someone you make boundaries and many a times in the past year of 2024 you felt you were taken for granted and more importantly you felt under estimated by others around you – while you did not care back then – now you are serious for a comeback!
Focus on creating a new and more mature identity for yourself this time around in 2025!
This will also embark a new phase of Sade Saati if you are Pisces Moon and the second phase of Sade Saati is the most pressurizing and challenging!
Saturn will help you expand yourself but your personal nature and identity will still undergo a crisis altogether.
How you represent yourself to people around? This will matter a lot now!
Pressure will increase more and more post March end of 2025.
You will question this belief system of yours – Does effort pay off or you should let the things happen on own and feel blessed?
Chances are you always favor the latter because it has worked out for you and you simply believe it, envision it then you saw it being manifested in life.
However, why is that you have this mindset?
Well, because efforts were never given their due or circumstantially you always felt it was better to go with the flow instead of taking charge!
Rahu also has been in your sign and thus, it is stupid right now to question whether you should put effort or not? Why?
Saturn demands consistent efforts and focus on becoming disciplined instead of doing a feasibility analysis of your goals.
You learned in 2024 how to make your own identity and how to cut off people who spread negativity and how to prioritize goals?
Now, you need to act upon these prioritized goals without giving excuses such as life is happening with me and I am taking time to process it – no now don’t play excuses.
Rahu and Ketu will move out from your sign and will move to your 12th and 6th from your sign – so this is going to be an illuminati moment now for you post May 2025!
You will look back and realize that whatever you accomplished in 2.5 years in the past – 2023 and 2024 that you never ever expected ever before in your life and you reached both a peak and then a fall – and you have experienced it all!
So, now what?
You realize what it means to be at the peak and you know what it means to experience a fall – so now you can know what can be done to sustain either, right?
Now, what is the problem that came in these times? Well, fascination and addictions!
You saw that you made a mistake out of a need for thrill and fascination – you went roaming around the world to escape issues and enhance productivity – and you discovered drinking for the first time in this trip, let’s say – was this thrilling? Yes! Was this beneficial for later time? Nope!
So, know what to eliminate! Addictions to escapes something as small as using people as an excuse for inaction to justifying your busy schedules that you made up to intentionally remain in delusion – all of this will cripple you down to experience the problems and reality hits hard, so be it – confront it!
Rahu going 12th from your sign and Ketu going 6th from your sign will make you feel sad and bored from routines – so what to do before May?
Make a routine that suites your comfort and more than physical – it is acceptable emotionally to you!
This routine has to suite your needs and fancies so that you sustain this throughout the year – so till March spend some time overthinking it – your favorite activity, isn’t it?
Think – you want that job change in September – sit and make a routine around achieving it with your comfort zone!
You want to earn X amount of money? Think, sit down, plan it out and articulate a realistic execution – refine this again and again till March to suite your needs!
How to plan this? Don’t just sit and envision! Live it!
You want to see a change in weight? Start a small physical activity – experience is it comfortable? Yes? Continue expanding hours. No? Stop it and try something else – do a relative comparison!
Every goal you want to put on your vision – experience a validation of that in some form of other to do feasibility analysis instead of simply “not” doing it because you do not feel it is “worthy” enough or you feel it does not have a good return of investment – be it time or money!
How can you know without trying? Question this to yourself every time you feel it is not “worth” it!
If you do this small change in your pros and cons analysis, you will do just fine even with peak Sade Saati – so just continue doing your impact analysis with a tinge of experimentation put into it!
Health issues will be higher this year and you will have to control 2 important things – your un-enthusiasm towards consuming food and your uncontrolled expenses!
You are feeling very mood to eat – sometimes you are skipping meals and not taking good care of your health and you will see a backlash if you continue doing this – Saturn biggest challenge to you this year is – laziness!
You would have to differentiate between – random impulse emotional ideas and concrete long term brainstorming!
What does this mean? Well – for example you thought let me suddenly plan this pilgrimage out of impulse as my earlier experience was – unplanned trips are successful because I like to embrace chaos and like to introduce entropy into my activities ultimately boosting my confidence while adapting to situations.
What you ignored in all this? Well, your big expenses, right? Your wasted time to escape, right?
Well, it is good to have these luxuries in life but you need to realize that impulse and feeling blessed aside – it is important to have concrete deliverables in place to avoid identity crisis.
The second phase of Saade Saati will take you to peak of fame, money and busy routines much faster and accelerated than before in life – unexpected, detached with continuous efforts and work needed from your side to the extent you will not even have the time to vision or think!
So, use the initial months of 2025 to do all that envisioning, put it in your mind and then get busy and running!
Instead of that one unplanned pilgrimage – have 5 well-planned pilgrimages – for example!
You may see a change of location or house or new living place. You might renovate your house or move to a new place altogether or acquire a new asset simply to accumulate your worth and feel good about it.
Change of home interiors is also on the cards indeed and you will see a swing of location in a weird way – if you stay away from your home – you will go back to home town a lot. If you are in home – you will go away from it again and again!
This is simply to make you feel you have achieved something drastic to accustom yourself to these changes.
You will see the first set of eclipses in March with both total lunar eclipses as well.
The first set of eclipses in March will be within your own sign and this will be drastic and long lasting changes with a lot of randomness.
If your intuition is well-developed, you will already start feeling uneasy about the changes – location, health, worth, investment – anything and will finally pull the trigger in March with a life choice that you will make.
September is the deadline for your health issues. If you do not develop a routine by then, you will see a drastic issue suddenly hitting you in September when you will not be able to do anything else and would have to focus back on that especially during those set of 2 eclipses.
Career growth is great, job change is not that on the cards but a huge recognition by the seniors and promotion within same place is indeed on the cards and you will be super delighted about that!
Workplace relationships will erode away and you will feel that people are not cordial, they are gossiping behind your back and they are two-faced.
So, now what to do? Try to avoid talking to people at workplace and present a very well-matured and boundary driven person – learn to do adulting.
Instead of those 2 minute jokes, focus on being a serious player who participates only when needed and sometimes you have to be formal and not informal to everyone at work.
If you keep rotating between so many things on your plate with obsessive impulsive decisions to try to fit in every piece of card in your puzzle then you will go nowhere.
Better pick one – do one and then complete it – be straightforward and pick one problem at a time – don’t half a** one thing, full a** one thing – simple!
The year is good from financial perspective – you saw the peak in 2023, you saw the downfall in 2024 – so now use all the learning to learn what it means to “sustain”! That is important!
2025 is a fantastic year for you and you will love it financially because you see that things happen in moderation and makes you feel blissed.
Already, health issues and some intuition about these issues are on your mind, especially diabetes and sugar issues through increased weight gain or cholesterol.
What to do? Break your meals! Stop doing those small snacking breaks ruining your lifestyle – break the 3 meals to 6 meals and feel better about it than doing unhealthy snacking in between randomly and then falling ill from the same!
There will be a drastic change from March itself with so many planets in Pisces at a time from March end – Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, Sun, Venus all at the same time and you will feel mindblown and exhausted by the same – all insecurities coming together out at a time and you need some good people around you to sustain the same.
Relationships will be dicey this year especially you would want a good transactional relation – not necessarily a give and take of same entity that is if someone is spending money on you, you are not returning the favor by spending money on them but probably you sacrifice time for them? Or vice versa!
So, learn to appreciate this give and take – there is nothing wrong about it. If you are single – a lot of people are going to fall in love with you. Why?
Well, you have this beautiful knack of explaining your struggles philosophically to others that they will fall in love with you for your mindset and optimism – as to wow – this person is so mature? I love them! Saturn has its own attraction – remember that!
You will get many opportunities for relationships and tieing the knot but that might not be focus for you this time around.
Students will see a hard time and it will be on an extreme effort to excel. You might have to put a socializing limit on yourself and follow your routine fast to see results.
You will feel on and off in terms of mood swings – emotionally frustrating year – you are either oversharing or not sharing anything at all with others.
Sometimes, you will feel this is the one and only in relationship and then you will see someday no this is the worst. You won’t want that your good connections go away! Keep that in mind and navigate!
The most important thing right now is focus and overcome lethargy given by Saturn here!
You need to prove it to him that you will put a routine and consistently gain more out of it and things will elevate and take you to more pinnacle – much better than what you expected to achieve in 2023 and if you do not – then it will worse than 2024!
So, as said, you seen both all the past 2 years – now it is time to make a choice and action on it, all the best for 2025!