Saturn Atmakaraka

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Written By astro_decoder

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What is Atmakaraka Planet?

In the vast realm of Vedic astrology, Atmakaraka holds a pivotal position, representing the soul’s essence and journey in the cosmic scheme of things.

Atmakaraka is word from Sanskrit that translates to “the significator of the soul” (‘Atma’ meaning soul and ‘karaka’ meaning significator).

It is the planet with the highest degree in one’s birth chart, excluding the Rahu and Ketu, the lunar nodes.

Atmakaraka offers profound insights into the individual’s personality, life path, karmic patterns, and spiritual evolution.

By understanding the significance of Atmakaraka and interpreting its placement in the birth chart, individuals can gain deeper self-awareness, clarity, and guidance in navigating life’s challenges and fulfilling their spiritual destiny.

As the guiding light of the soul, Atmakaraka illuminates the path towards self-realization, inner fulfillment, and ultimate union with the divine.

Atmakaraka represents the core essence of the soul in the birth chart.

It reflects the deepest desires, tendencies, and qualities that define an individual at the spiritual level.

Understanding the Atmakaraka can provide insights into one’s true self and the underlying motivations that drive their actions and experiences.

Atmakaraka plays a crucial role in shaping the individual’s life path and direction.

It indicates the areas of life where the soul is destined to focus its energy and attention.

By analyzing the placement and condition of the Atmakaraka, astrologers can offer guidance on how to align with the soul’s purpose and fulfill its evolutionary journey.

Atmakaraka provides insights into the karmic imprints and lessons the soul carries from past lives into the current incarnation.

It reveals the challenges, opportunities, and experiences the soul is meant to encounter in this lifetime, guiding individuals towards growth, healing, and spiritual evolution.

Atmakaraka serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth and self-realization.

By recognizing and embracing the qualities symbolized by the Atmakaraka, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and inner transformation.

It encourages the cultivation of virtues such as self-awareness, compassion, and wisdom, leading to greater harmony and fulfillment in life.

In essence, Atmakaraka holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the soul and understanding its journey through the material realm.

By embracing the wisdom offered by Atmakaraka, individuals can navigate life’s challenges with clarity, purpose, and spiritual grace, ultimately realizing their highest potential and attaining spiritual enlightenment.

Traits & Challenges of Saturn Atmakaraka

Saturn as Atmakaraka is indeed a very karmic planet to have as the planet of highest degrees in your birth chart.

The karma lord himself has became your atmakaraka and hence, you have to work very hard in this life indeed and that is going to be the expectation this time around as things will not be left in your control alone and you need to work with a lot of vigor and rigor.

When Saturn becomes your Atmakaraka, you have a serious personality and even when you are funny or humorous on purpose, you still look serious and people do not usually understand the difference between when you are joking or when you are actually serious.

You use this serious demeanor as a double-edged advantage as sometimes you want people to feel intimidated by your aura while other times you regret why are people misinterpreting your feelings and misunderstanding you in conversations?

Your focus in optimizing and rising up in life, and you have a darker childhood compared to others because your agenda in life is to be the person who takes your family out of difficulties, whether it could be relationship or it could be financial background and economic status of the whole family in general.

You are loaded with responsibilities early in life and you learn to mature before others in the same age group.

It is like having a personality that relates to someone who is elder to you by 5-6 years as you undergo experiences early on rather than delayed contrary to the expectation that Saturn delays.

Saturn does not delay results for you when it becomes the Atmakaraka contrary to expectation, rather it makes you achieve results beforehand and you will be actually receiving much more prosperity than others because challenges comes early in your life.

Even when you are not in good relationship with your family, you still do not have the luxury of escaping responsibility, and you will see that you become the eventual provider but people are so thankless to you that you sometimes feel super frustrated about acknowledgement, and that is the biggest challenge for you in life.

You realize that people are just going to judge you, make you feel insecure and even blame you for problems in their lives.

Such experiences with people early on, makes you very sarcastic and stubborn in terms of dealing with people, and it is actually difficult for you to deal with people.

A notable feature in Saturn Atmakaraka folks is the way they have fluctuations in the way they express themselves to others that is, for example, you are a completely different person when you are meeting someone in real life but when you are receiving a call from someone who is a stranger, you are very sweet, polite and appear to be a sorted person who puts forward ideas in a vivid fashion but actually innately you feel angry, nervous and sad while expressing your opinions many a times but people are not able to second guess as you have projected such a sorted aura to them from outside, this is your super power you can say!

Saturn makes you very rude and stern at the same time with people who you already are familiar with, it is like when you speak the other person feels that you are teaching them a moral lesson, not in the guiding way like Jupiter rather in a demeaning way, unfiltered speaking the truth.

For example, if a close friend of yours gets trapped into a relationship that is toxic and not in his or her favor then you strongly condemn him or her, reprimand them and make them see the realistic side of life, that makes the other person intimidated.

Now, it really depends on how the person wants to react to this side of you, because some people will appreciate your intention of pulling them out from this toxic relationship and being frank with them, others may take the notion that you are being overly interfering and had no right to demean them, and then you drift apart from them.

Take this analogy, into different ways of conversation you do when you have Saturn as your Atmakaraka.

The next bigger challenge for you when Saturn is Atmakaraka is to develop a routine and well, no offense, is to overcome laziness.

When you decide to overcome this side of yours, you see absolutely stunning abundance in life.

However, it is difficult for you to be able to overcome this, because you always see some circumstances overwhelm you a lot, sometimes you get way too exhausted at work and in general, you struggle to maintain a balance between different tasks and ways of life as you tend to engage yourself into one task at hand way too much than others and like to have high expectations set from your side that obviously leads to disappointment for you later because the barrier set is too high.

Whenever this happens, remember the key to navigate a challenge in life is not to be obsessed about it rather to divide and conquer it in such a way that you are able to practically approach the same without much effort and then you are able to induce a regularity in the small goals that you need to achieve, and then you aggregate all the small goals achieved to eventually crack the bigger picture that you had in mind.

You will see that life always has something bigger planned for you but you tend to be a control freak fixated on things and try to make them work a certain way you desire, but it really never works out for you, does it? That is more of a Mars thing!

You never can achieve what you envisioned at least in the small run, the bigger picture, yes that is what you achieve very vividly unlike others.

When you get fixated about your results, you see disappointment, and then when you set out to work, work, work and stop attaching desires, it works out, and it works out in a weirdly different way but it does, and it does for good, but no thrill is there anymore, you become just like Saturn, that yes I am detached to happiness, what is happiness?

To the extent that you are detached to sadness as well, like what is sadness? I was not surprised that there was some problem going to come in my manifestation, as I was already expecting it!

You become a pessimistic person, but you do not like to see your pessimism as a literal, rather you just prefer to softly state this as a reality check.

When a person approaches you with zeal and enthusiasm, you react as if what is the worth in this? For example, someone tells you go for a higher learning degree abroad, you do not react immediately as to yes, let’s do it!

You react as if really, is this worth it? Let me get back to you after I research the hell out of this, but to be honest, I feel that you need a reality check, let me gain more experience or do some job within this country itself before I can take on the world later.

You self-reject and you feel down about yourself, you feel inferior and you feel insecure that whether you actually deserve this? Then, you tell yourself, no I don’t deserve this, then you work hard again.

To be honest, this is your natural trait, and firstly there is no need to feel called out or insecure about this, rather this is your special power as you polish yourself so much that you become a diamond, but you know what is the fundamental problem with all of this?

Well, the fact if you do not even try! Yes, your pessimism can take you that level, whether you should even try it out or not!

And honestly, this is why when you have Saturn Atmakaraka, your Mars placement becomes crucial for you! If Mars is not well placed or not strong, then you do not even reach the potential that you had set out for!

How does Saturn Atmakaraka Unlock your Destiny?

The biggest key to face mental blockages and unlock your life through Saturn as Atmakaraka, is to learn acceptance.

Irrespective whether you are a rebel from early life or you are grounded from early on, Saturn will hammer you to the wall like a nail and ground you up!

Even with all the achievements you will gain in life, you feel you are still not ready, not good enough!

There are things in life that manifested in a different way than you expected and you feel there were many restrictions on you due to which you were unable to navigate the steering wheel of the car of your life to the required destination, and thus, you learn accepting that maybe, what I had my eyes set on, was not meant for me at all!

Acceptance makes you come in terms with your reality. It makes you grounded and then you learn to balance your aims, ambitions, relations, and love all together knitted in one beautiful thread of life.

Saturn teaches you that you need to learn how to maximize your efforts on limited resources and even if you do get the result, you will see people taking a share in your slice of pizza as well which is your results.

People will make you feel you are not enough, and you will have to learn to ignore them.

You will also attract a lot of demoralizers, as I like to call them, or dementors in your life who try to suck the life out of you by making you feel down and demoralized all the time, demeaning you, and insulting you.

Is this unfair? To be honest, yes and no just like the balance you can create from this! You yourself are unfiltered to others, so why are you getting upset when it comes back to like a mud slur?

The key is to behave in a certain way, you expect people to behave with you, then learn to restrict yourself to that behavior as well because you are riding this life with the lord of karma itself who will loop back whatever you sow, right into your face like an infinity or sleeping eight ∞. This is a what goes around, comes around placement, remember that!

You will have health issues in this life, there is no turning around that, problems with respiration, bones and sometimes if badly afflicted even asthma and lung issues comes up easy to you so be vary!

Addictions is also very common when it comes to Saturn Atmakaraka, because well, when one’s natural state is depression, then obviously they will try to seek coping mechanism and the easiest one to be vulnerable to them, is ofcourse intoxications and addictions so stay away from them especially if you are drinking then not entirely fine but still never ever do smoking, that is going to cause you so much issues in the later run, that you will run for your life!

So, you must be wondering why were you born with Saturn as Atmakaraka in the first place?

Well, you did not fulfill some responsibilities earlier on, so now you need to confront them, even if you escape them, it will loop back into your life, and you will again feel overwhelmed by it, you will be filled with despair and when there is no run away from the situation, you will have to deal with it, and then you come out transformed, not necessarily positive but many a times yes, you do and you learn that yes, I can do it and I really need to do it, even if I feel I cannot do it or I don’t want to do it, that is the circumstantial burden imposed upon you since you kept running away.

A very interesting thing I would say is that if you go to your D60 chart, there will certainly be a very prominent Jupiter there that made you envision things but since you lacked execution, this time you have to execute more and vision less, that is how things are going to navigate.

Another notable feature of Saturn as Atmakaraka is your initial rigidity in life to change and opinions that are shaped by experiences rather than bookish knowledge.

You develop very strong judgement about people and you are not ready to change your opinion about them after the first initial impressions.

This actually restricts you from networking and honestly you do not want to network a lot with a lot of people, you enjoy the silence. You enjoy being the listener and not the speaker, does not imply that you cannot speak, you simply enjoy being the observer better.

Your philosophy is that a good speaker is actually a person with few words and listens to others actively.

Saturn also embodies you with patience, but is that true in initial phases of life? No!

You will be very impatient initially and you hate to kept waiting, until later in life when they have no choice but become patient, melt that anger inside or else they are consumed by that anger and destroys their life.

This Saturn also does not let you embody forced discipline in your life which means if you try to advocate a routine that you don’t enjoy then you won’t be able to!

You will have to enjoy that routine, feel related to it and it should vibe with your soul then only you are able to be regular with it so don’t overexert yourself with routines, rather focus on comfort oriented discipline that is self-realized by you.

What Should you Do as Remedies for Saturn Atmakaraka?

Regulate your lifestyle to advocate a balance between professional and personal life.

You should not be driven by practical logic all the time that can restrict and impact your personal relationships.

Normalize thinking by heart sometimes, it is not always correct to be practically right all the time, sometimes reaching a compromise will make you happier more than what you think!

If you ever feel demotivated, then definitely you should try to take small amounts of risk to change things in life and not become the pessimistic always who self-rejects themselves without even trying that will prevent you from reaching the pinnacle of your potential.

You tend to form early judgement for people, but are you always right? You struggle saying sorry to others, right? You need to learn that bowing down before someone is not always about questioning your own dignity, sometimes bowing down before someone makes you more greater than the other person as you had the larger heart to be able to do that, which other person is lacking and you are the more grounded person who takes higher moral burden.

You would have to put extra effort to clear out misunderstandings so do not hesitate to take initiative given you have evaluated that the other person is worth getting back into your life, so never overthink approaching someone, that again is not a stain on your dignity, it is not about you reversing your stance about someone, it is about doing the thing that is correct and morally more upright even if it compromises your own opinion and compels you to change it for accommodating the other person.

You have to learn not to take things personally, contrary to people opinion that you are insensitive, you are actually very emotional inside and do not like to direct your energy into people who are not authentic, and you hate giving second chances to others.

Being emotional and being in terms with your emotions, does not make you weak, the only reason you feel weak is that you are internally insecure and you question that these emotions might cloud your logical system but that is not always the case and you learn it the hard way!

Learn to value time more than anything, Saturn is time at the end of the day so time management is key.

You will feel overwhelmed by your life, but the moment I take away that busy schedule from you, you start feeling not needed by others that is even worse feeling for you, so give your all, exhaust yourself, feel tired but make sure you keep on doing things in parallel.

You are made to serve people, take debts, suffer from issues, overcome challenges and then you shine like a diamond so you have to wait till you become the diamond but reality is even further, you will be in denial even after becoming a diamond so learn to be thankful that is important, feel blessed!

Spiritually, you have to be in the good cards of Lord Shani Dev himself and worship Hanuman regularly to be able to see great results out of it!

Dealing with the Reality – Saturn Atmakaraka and Legacy!

You are not here for the small slices of pizza, you are here for accumulated combo of pizzas, an assorted collection of cupcakes and a big gourmet buffet. Jokes apart, it simply means that you are failing yourself if you try to settle for less, and even if you convince yourself you deserve less and you are not capable to handle bigger things and tasks, you will still be thrown under the bus and you will be deprived of that small slice of pizza as well.

You will be taught patience, and you will be forced to not settle, you will feel frustrated at first, but that is how patience is taught to you, and you will burn more and more!

Then, you will first wait for the light, that does not come to you in terms of the fruits you expected for your efforts, then you feel despair and question, will the light ever come?

Then, you will feel whether there is a light existent also?

Then, you will realize that no, there is no light for me, darkness and acceptance is my reality, but then again, all these fruits you accumulate will now be served on platter to your future generations and later as age progresses, you rise to a lot of huge status and recognition in life, where you will be well-known for your accumulated results.

You do leave a mark on future generations who enjoy your results and you also learn beautifully to accept that your true happiness lied in seeing the ones who you loved happy!

This is hard to accept but that is how things will shape up and you will relish the same.

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